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The French and Indian War
After multiple French groups encroached on the British territory around the Ohio River Valley area, fighting broke out escalating to all out war. The British, having started out losing, eventually turned the tide in their favor and after a great amount of struggle and the involvement of Spain, the Treaty of Paris was drafted to end the fighting -
Period: to
The Sons of Liberty
The History of the Sons of Liberty
A revolutionary organization organized by Samuel Adams created to fight the heavy taxation of the colonies and give more rights to European colonies. The group after the repeal of the Stamp Act was soon disbanded -
Stamp Act of 1765
Stamp Act The Stamp Act was made to tax the Americas to help the British regain money because they were in debt. They were in debt mostly by the seven year war. -
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The Townshend Acts of 1767
After the financially draining French and Indian War the British had devised a method of regaining this lost sum of money via heavy taxes on the English colonies. This started with a roundabout tax for the New York government to pay for housing and taxes on lead, glass, painter's pigments, and paper. Slowly progressing to acts such as the Commissioner of Customs Act of 1767 which enforced trade regulations while driving up tax revenue. -
Boston Massacre
Boston Massacre The Boston Massacre was a street fight between a "patriot" mob, throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks, and a squad of British soldiers. Several colonists were killed and this led to a campaign by speech-writers to rouse the ire of the citizenry. -
Boston Tea Party
Boston Tea Party Americans got tired of the British tea act. So, they sprang into action and throw the tea into the Boston harbor. -
The First Continental Congress Meeting
Following the issuing of many controversial Acts from the Parliament the 13 colonies excluding Georgia sent representatives to organize a colonial resistance. The consensus was that if these acts were not repealed by December 1st, 1774 and concerns were not addressed in a timely manner, they would reconvene on March 10th, 1775 to cease exports to Britain on September 10th 1775. -
The Olive Branch Petition
What Was the Olive Branch Petition
A petition made to smooth over relations and prevent an escalation into war. This was drafted with terms explaining the origin of the colonists unrest and anger and suggesting ideas to smooth over relations with the idea that the colonists were truly still loyal to the British -
Declaration of Independence adopted
Declaration of Independence adopted On this date America declared their independence from England. -
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Battle of Yorktown
Battle of Yorktown It was a battle between the Germans and the ailed Americans and French. -
Treaty of Paris signed
Treaty of Paris This help America become recognized as a real country. It especially let England know that we were officially not part of there country. -
3/5 Compromise
Understanding the 3/5 Compromise It was an agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention. That three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives. -
The Great Compromise
A Great Compromise
To dissuade larger states from forming a conspiracy it was decided that all states would have only two representatives in the Senate. This agreement was heavily fought by such figures as James Madison and Alexander Hamilton who both argued that the idea was unrealistic and and motivated by whispers of power. -
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Constitutional Convention
Constitutional Convention Was a discussion about what rules should the nation follow. -
The Adoption of the Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights Transcript
In the wake of the Constitution the Bill of Rights was adopted to address the concerns of Anti-Federalists and reaffirm the rights of the public. These amendments were drafted by James Madison who researched the blind spots brought up by people against the Constitution.