Founding of MBAE
In 1988, Jack Rennie – then chairman and CEO of Pacer Systems – and Paul Reville – now Governor’ Patrick’s Secretary of Education – formed MBAE with concerned business leaders throughout the Commonwealth. -
Every Child a Winner
By 1991, MBAE had crafted a comprehensive school reform proposal entitled “<a href="http://www.mbae.org/uploads/13102003114120EveryChildAWinner.pdf" target="_new">Every Child A Winner.</a>” This became the conceptual framework and springboard for the Education Reform Act of 1993 and MBAE became its strongest advocate. -
Death of John C. Rennie, MBAE Chairman
MBAE’s founder, chairman and visionary, Jack Rennie passed away unexpectedly. His belief in the power of respectful civic dialogue, the role of the business community in improving public education, and his passionate commitment to children continue to guide the organization’s work and remain its core values. -
Intervening in Low Performing Districts: An Effective Strategy
After reporting and advising on the implementation of the reforms of the Education Reform Act, MBAE next turned to those schools and districts which, despite additional funding, failed to improve student learning. MBAE presented a six step <a href="http://www.mbae.org/uploads/27052010103845MBAEInterventionPaper.pdf" target="_new">intervention program</a to serve as a blueprint for turning around Massachusetts’ most challenging districts. -
American Diploma Project
MBAE became the business partner in state efforts to improve the college and career readiness of our students through Achieve’s <a href='http://www.achieve.org/ADPNetwork' target="_new">American Diploma Project</a> and other activities supporting an Honor Grant from the National Governor’s Association. -
Advisory Council
MBAE established an <a href="http://www.mbae.org/?page_id=28" target="_new">Advisory Council</a> of experienced chief executive officers and senior business executives to offer advice and assistance on MBAE’s agenda for education reform and to ensure our representation of all sectors of the statewide business community. -
Moving from Discourse to Action: Revolutionizing High Schools
The continuing dependence of the Massachusetts economy on knowledge-based industry, and projections for its future growth, makes a public policy focus and investment in the <a href="http://www.mbae.org/uploads/18062009151146TMPcompleteFINAL.pdf"target="_new">STEM</a> fields of primary importance to the state's employers. MBAE joined 15 of the state's leading business and technology organizations in a collaborative call-to-action for STEM education to become a statewide policy priority. -
Education Reform Bill to Close Achievement Gaps
MBAE was the local partner for this study by the National Council on Teacher Quality of policies that have an impact on teacher quality. While the analysis concludes that Boston has many effective, strategic policies already in place, it recommends improvements that could help the district do a better job attracting and retaining effective teachers. MBAE believes these recommendations are relevant for districts across the state.