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Leaders in History - Steve Jobs
Meets Steve Wozniak
Attends HS at Homestead HS, where through a mutual friend he is introduced to his Future business partner Steve Wozniak -
First Job!
Takes his first job with video game company Atari -
Apple Computers Created
At only 21 years old, Steve and friend Wozniak start up a company called Apple Computers -
Splits with Apple
In 1985, Jobs resigned as Apple's CEO to begin a new hardware and software company called NeXT, Inc. -
Rejoins Apple
In 1997 NeXt Inc. was sold to Apple for over 400 million dollars and Steve Jobs took the lead of Apple as CEO -
Sad News
Jobs was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer -
New Innovations
After having surgery to remove his tumor, he gets back and track and releases some of the more techno forward products to this day, including the Ipod, Iphone, Ipad and creation of Itunes -
Steve Passes Away
After battling cancer for 10 years Steve losses his battle.