Lead up to WWII- Spencer Knight

  • Mussolini establishes fascist Government in Italy

    Mussolini establishes fascist Government in Italy
    By 1921 Mussolini established a fascist government in Italy. He established a strong sense of nationalism to the people of Italy. Controlling all aspects of life, Italy became a totalitarian state.
  • Stalin comes to power

    Stalin comes to power
    After the passing of Lenin, Joseph Stalin rose to power with strong goals in mind. He wanted to establish a strong communist State. Through rigorous practices, Russia made strong industrial and economic gains.
  • Militarist come to power in Japan

    Militarist come to power in Japan
    Like HItler, the Militarist beleived Japan needed more living space. They launched a surprise attacking on Manchuria, the Chinese’s province, and eventually took total control.
  • Adolf Hitler and the Nazis take over Germany

    Adolf Hitler and the Nazis take over Germany
    Having Austrian decent, Hitler wanted to join the Austrian Army, only to be denied. He eventually became a German soldier in Germany. He then joined the National social party. He promised to restore Germany’s power. He gained a lot fo popularity through his book Mien Kampf that he wrote in jail.
  • The Enabling Act

    The Enabling Act
    In March of 1933, Germany presented the Enabling Act which gave HItler unlimited power over Germany. He could do anything. For example, he could pass laws without parliamentary approval
  • Neutrality acts are put into place by US

    Neutrality acts are put into place by US
    The neutrality acts of 1935 were put into place by congress. The first 2 acts delt with preventing arms dealers to sell weapons to nations at war. And the 3rd act prevented the sale of arms to nations in civil war, i.e Spain at the time
  • Axis Alliance is formed

    Axis Alliance is formed
    An alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan was signed. They targeted to end communism in Russia and expand their territories.
  • Munich pact

    Munich pact
    HItler, Mussolini, French primier Daladier, and British Prime Minister Chamberlain sign the Munich pact. The Pact allowed Germany to annex a boarder region of Czechoslovakia to prevent war.
  • WWII Begins

    WWII Begins
    WWII begins when Germany Invades Poland.
  • Munich Pact is terminated

    Munich Pact is terminated
    The Nazis enter Prague and capture Czechoslovakia. The Munich act was in place to prevent this, but Hitler and the Nazis ignored the pact anyways.