Lead Up to WWII - Joshua Mangion

  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles angered Germany for they believed there was nothing fair in a treaty that blamed them for the start of the war.
  • Hitler joins the German Workers Party

    Hitler joins the German Workers Party
    Hitler joins The German Workers Party otherwise known as the NAZI Party. He joins to spy for the govt. but realizes that they have potential.
  • Mussolini establishing fascist govt. in Italy

    Mussolini establishing fascist govt. in Italy
    By 1921, Mussolini had established the Fascist
    Party. Fascism stressed nationalism and
    placed the interests of the state above those of individuals.
  • Leadership passes down to Joseph Stalin

    Leadership passes down to Joseph Stalin
    After Lenin died in 1924, Joseph Stalin took control of the country. Stalin focused on creating a model communist state. In so doing, he made both agricultural and industrial growth.
  • Hitler and the NAZI Party

    Hitler and the NAZI Party
    The Great Depression helped the Nazis come to power. Because of war debts and dependence on American loans and investments, Germany’s economy was hit hard. By 1932, some 6 million Germans were unemployed. Many men who were out of work joined Hitler’s private army.
  • Hitler appointed to Chancellor

    Hitler appointed to Chancellor
    German President Hindenberg appoints Hitler as Chancellor.
  • Military Aggression

    Military Aggression
    In its first act of military aggression under the Hitler regime, Germany violates the terms of both the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact by militarizing the Rhineland, a strictly demilitarized zone on Germany’s Western Front.
  • NAZI Germany Completes The Annexation of Austria

    NAZI Germany Completes The Annexation of Austria
    Nazi Germany completes the Annexation or Anschluss of Austria. Austria was the first country to be annexed by Hitler’s Germany.
  • Munich Pact

    Munich Pact
    Adolf Hitler, Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, French Premier Édouard Daladier, and British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact. The Pact allows Nazi Germany to annex the Sudetenland, a border region of Czechoslovakia where many ethnic Germans lived, in an effort to appease Germany and prevent war.
  • Start of World War 2

    Start of World War 2
    World War 2 begins.