Lead Up to WWII- Ethan Shackelford

  • Vladimir Lenin Takes Over Russia

    Vladimir Lenin Takes Over Russia
    in November of 1917, Vladimir Lenin led the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. They successfully took control of Russia, instituting communism.
  • Hitler Publishes Mein Kampf

    Hitler Publishes Mein Kampf
    Adolf Hitler publishes his personal book that he wrote while in prison, outlining his plan to take over Germany. Plans to institute the Nazi party.
  • Benito Mussolini Comes to Power in Italy

    Benito Mussolini Comes to Power in Italy
    Mussolini creates the first fascist country in Europe. Role model of Adolf Hitler.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty of versailles ended World War I, but is the beginning of the second world war. Germany was forced to take the blame for the start of the war and felt that it wasn't fair that they had to pay reparations and disarm their country. This caused conflict within Europe.
  • Joseph Stalin Becomes Leader of the Soviet Union

    Joseph Stalin Becomes Leader of the Soviet Union
    After Vladimir Lenin's death, Stalin rose to power in the Soviet Union. He will murder millions of people and will try to institute communism in Europe.
  • Treaty of Berlin

    Treaty of Berlin
    The Soviet Union and Germany sign the Treaty of Berlin, which keeps either country neutral if one or the other is attacked by another country. Axis powers rise.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Stocks crashed and banks failed. Black Tuesday was the beginning of the Great Depression. Throughout Europe, countries like Germany experienced mass inflation. All the economic problems pushed people to demand any type of leader to come into power and fix the problems.
  • Adolf Hitler Comes to Power

    Adolf Hitler Comes to Power
    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany in 1933 which is the beginning of his reign. Hitler will take over Germany and institute Fascism and create a totalitarian society.
  • Hitler Invades Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
    Adolf Hitler launches his blitzkrieg attack on Poland, starting the war in Europe. This is the start of WWII in Europe.
  • Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor

    Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor
    Japanese Empire, under control of Hideki Tojo, attacks U.S. harbor in the pacific on Hawaii to disable the U.S. Navy from stopping the Japanese from expanding.