Lead up to WWII-David jones

  • WW1 Armistice

    WW1 Armistice
    This was the suspension of hostiles by agreement of warning parties. This was signed by Germany and the allies.
  • Treaty of versailles

    Treaty of versailles
    This was a document signed in 1919 between Germany and the allied powers. This document officially ended the war.
  • Mussolini comes to power in Italy

    Mussolini comes to power in Italy
    In 1921 the fascist party was invited to join the coalition government. During this meeting Benito announced dictator and rose to power to restore Italy.
  • Great depression

    Great depression
    This was the american stock market crash of 1929 this struck death, poverty and money loss around america. Many foreign countries were shocked to learning about these american problems.
  • Japanese expansion

    Japanese expansion
    Began in 1931 when Japan invaded Manchuria and continued an attack on china. japan signed the tripartite act with Germany and Italy known as the "Axis".
  • Germany annexing Austria

    Germany annexing Austria
    On March 12, 1938 German troops marched into Hitlers birthplace Austria to annex the third German speaking Reich. After this they seized the Austrian government by force. And Adolf was their to watch it all.
  • Fascism

    Was the government dictatorial power that forced Supression and opposition on its people. The most known leader was Benito mussolini.
  • Hitler and Nazi party

    Hitler and Nazi party
    A political party that started in Germany and had an upbringing with Hitler in power. Under the leadership of Hitler their job was trying to exterminate all the Jewish people and the cripple out their country so that Germany can reign again.
  • Appeasement

    Neville Chamberlain was an British prime minister who strongly believed in appeasement. Appeasement is a political policy that conceeds aggression.
  • Cause of WWII/Germany invades poland

    Cause of WWII/Germany invades poland
    German forces bombarded Poland on land from the air and Adolf seeks to rule over Poland. When he did get power he would seperate the Jews in death camps and Concentration camps a known one is Aushwitz. Throughout the years Hitler would kill over 2,000 Jewish people a day by gassing and shooting.