Lead Up to WWII-Claire Ashton

  • Hitler becomes well known

    Hitler becomes well known
    Hitler joined a group called National Socialist German Workers' Party. From there his strong public speaking made him the party's leader, he then came out with a book that is about Nazism, the idea of Nazism grew. (Mr.locke history textbook.)
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty that ended WWI put the blame and reparations all on Germany. This caused lots of strain on Germany, the country was very damaged in many ways. (Textbook)
  • Moussolini gains support of Italy

    Moussolini gains support of Italy
    Moussolini knew how to appeal to Italy's people who were lost with little nationalism. He used fascism and totalitarian ideas to gain their support and become head of the government. (Textbook)
  • Hitler becomes totalitarian dictator of Germany

    Hitler becomes totalitarian dictator of Germany
    The Act of 1933 passed an amendment to the German constitution. This gave Hitler total control over the new Nazi Germany. (Resource. Historyplace.com)
  • First concentration camp is created

    First concentration camp is created
    The first concentration camp was at Oranienburg outside Berlin. Political opponents and Jews were imprisoned here in the horrible conditions facing harshly inhuman treatment. ( Resource. Historyplace.com)
  • Hitler breaks treaties, pacts, and militarizes locations

    Hitler breaks treaties, pacts, and militarizes locations
    Hitler militarizes the Rhineland. This violates both the Treaty of Versallies and the Locarno Pact. He claims that since Russia and France signed a new treaty they needed to rearm to be protected from the threat. (Resource. Scholastic)
  • Hitler seizes his first country

    Hitler seizes his first country
    Germany annexes the political connection between Austria and Germany. Hitler then seizes Austria. (Resource. Scholastic)
  • Hitler takes more land by breaking Munich Pact

    Hitler takes more land by breaking Munich Pact
    Hitler takes over vulnerable Cezechoslovakia, which holds many ethnic Germans. In doing so he breaks the Munich Pact which was supposed to prevent war. (Resource. Scholastic)
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    WWII begins when Germany invades Poland's capital. They defeat the polish army and receive a surrender. (Resource. Scholastic)
  • War is officially declared

    War is officially declared
    After the Poland invasion the allied nations of Britain, Poland, and France and no choice. They had to declare war on Germany. (Resource. Scholastic)