Lead Up to WWII - Alyson Chesshire

  • End of WWI

    Official end of WWI
  • Treaty of Versailles

    The treaty/meeting that ended WWI and made Germany miserable.
  • Period: to

    Hitler appoints Nazi Party members as police and military

  • Period: to

    Mussolini comes to power

  • Period: to

    Stalin takes over Russia

  • Germany tries to pay reparations

    Germany printed more money to try to pay off their debt by printing a lot more money causing hyper inflation.
  • Hitler writes Mein Kampf

    When Hitler was in jail and wrote about his pains and ailments.
  • Hitler rushes government to take over

    Hitler, inspired by Mussolini, rushes the German government and took power.
  • Period: to

    beginning of WWII

  • Axis and Allies formed

    Germany, Italy, and Japan made up the Axis; America, Russia, France, Britain, and China the Allies.