Lead up to WW2 Maddie Grupa

  • Treaty of Versailles

    This treaty specifically stated that Germany had to take full responsibility for WW1 and had to pay reparations for the damages to the other European countries. The treaty brought economic, military, geographic and emotional difficulties.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    German president Paul Hon Hindenburg appoints Hitler as the chancellor and quickly after became a regime. Meaning that the citizens of the country were not guaranteed basic rights. Hitler suspends the constitiution and rules as a dictator.
  • Concentration Camps

    Quickly after Hitler was appointed the chancellor, the government set up the first concentration camps. Their purpose was to imprison the "dangers" of society which included political opponents, homosexuals, Jehova's Witnesses, etc.
  • Nazi Book Burning

    Hitler ordered to have every book of literature that seemed persuasive against the German government. This was done in a public fashion and was meant for everyone to see. Most books that were burned included works authored by Jewish, pacifists, socialists, liberals and anarchists.
  • Germany Re-Occupation of Rhineland

    Once Hitler gained full power of Germany, he promised vengeance against the allied powers who pressured the Treaty of Versailles on Germany. He canceled the military clauses of the treaty and denounced the Locarno Pact and began remilitarianizing Rhineland.
  • Axis Powers

    A military alliance that Germany joined. The purpose was to eliminate communism in the Soviet Union, territorial expansion, and the end of restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Period: to

    2nd Sino-Japanese War

    The conflict that broke out when China was resisting the expansion of Japanese influence in its territory. In the beginning, Japan had conquered much of China. Japan attempted to subdue China by creating blockades. Chinas allies began to help by sending them war supplies and training Chinese pilots and mechanincs. The pressure from the allies began to be too much for Japan and as a result, they surrendered.
  • Annexation of Austria

    Hitler entered Austria being welcomed with open arms. The next day he annexed Austria and gave a speech saying that Germany did not come as tyrants but as liberators. As much as 70 people were arrested including Jews, Social Democrats, and other political dissenters.
  • Munich Agreement

    Hitler began to bully Britan and the French into allowing him to annex a part of Checzsovlokia. It was designed to avoid war between the powers of Europe
  • Plan Z

    Germany's fleet-building program in attempt to build Germany's navy. The plan lasted for five years and mainly focused on mulitiplying the submarine fleet.