Lead up to WW2

By Abbarry
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Allied and associated powers and Germany sign the Treaty of Versailles. It brought World War 1 to an official end.
  • March on Rome

    March on Rome
    The march was the revolt that allowed Mussolini to come to power in Italy. The rise of fascism.
  • Joseph Stalin becomes dictator of the Soviet Union

    Joseph Stalin becomes dictator of the Soviet Union
    Joseph Stalin rose to power and became the leader of the Soviet Union (USSR).
  • Japanese Expansion.

    Japanese Expansion.
    Japan invades Manchuria, China in order to grow and gain new resources. The Kwantung Army seizes Manchuria. Manchuria then becomes Manchukuo, a puppet state.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
  • Hitler violates Treaty Of Versailles

    Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles by reoccupying Rhineland and by rebuilding and rearming Germany.
  • US Congress passes the first Neutrality Act

    US Congress passes the first Neutrality Act
    The act was passed in an attempt to keep the US out of war. It prohibited the export of “arms, ammunition, and implements of war”
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    The start of the Italo-Ethiopian War. Mussolini’s goal for invading Ethiopia was to increase national Italian prestige. The battle was a victory for Mussolini.
  • Hitler and Stalin sign the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact.

    Hitler and Stalin sign the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact.
    This pact was a non-aggression agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union. This pact was an agreement between the two countries to not take military action against each other for the next 10 years.
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    Hitler invades Poland in order to rule Poland and regain territory. This caused Great Britain to declare war on Germany, marking the start of World War 2.