1st Event
The assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophia. This was one of the major events that led up to WW1. -
2nd Event
Treaty of Versailles ends World War 1. U.S. does not pursue the Treaty. -
3rd Event
Adolf Hitler joins the NAZI party. Becomes a very active member in months to come. -
4th Event
The NAZI party try to overthrow the German Government. They fail and Hitler was imprisoned for treason. -
5th Event
Lenin dies. Joseph Stalin starts his position as the leader of the Soviet Union -
6th Event
The book "Mein Kumpf," is published by Hitler. Exploits his various political strategies -
7th Event
The Soviet Union and Germany sign the Treaty of Berlin. They promise to remain neutral with each other involving attacks in their country. -
8th Event
The U.S. Stock Market crashes. This day is also known as Black Tuesday. -
9th Event
Axis Powers is formed. Italy and Japan make a treaty. -
Event that led to World War Two
Pearl Harbor Day. The Japanese attack on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii.