Laws of freedom

By EastonA
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment abolishes slavery from the United States. This Amendment also restricted many other forms of bound labor.
  • The 14th Amendment

    The 14th Amendment
    This Amendment allows African Americans to have simple rights and become citizens of the United States. This Amendment leaded to women to have their own rights as well as African Americans.
  • The 15th Amendment

    The 15th Amendment
    This Amendment allowed African Americans to have the right to vote. This lead to African Americans running in office and voting.
  • The 3 Enforcement Acts

    The 3 Enforcement Acts
    These were three bills that ended violence and allowed the president to use military to protect African Americans.This lead to 5000 indictments.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

    Civil Rights Act of 1875
    This allowed all citizens no matter their color access to all public areas. This later caused the Plessy V. Ferguson which showed there was still segregation.