Laws for Freedom

  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    This law abolished slavery for African Americans. One flaw was that it made an exception in the case of citizens who were found guilty of a criminal offense. Meaning they were freed.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th Amendment gave citizenship to all people ¨born or naturalized in the United States,¨ meaning that former enslaved people are citizens now with ¨equal¨ rights. The unintended consequences were that black people didn´t get the rights they were supposed to get and white people said ¨ separate, but not equal.¨
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The 15th Amendment gave African Americans the right to vote. Right after this amendment was passed black people tried running for office and southerners didn´t like that.
  • Enforcement Act 1

    Enforcement Act 1
    It was a crime to interfere with citizens' right to vote. This one made the KKK infuriated as they went on more hunts to try to intimidate people.
  • Enforcement Act 2

    Enforcement Act 2
    Federal elections must be under the supervision of federal marshals. What this caused was Southerners who were mad that black people could vote, were not able to stop black people from voting as the marshals were standing right there.
  • Enforcement Act 3

    Enforcement Act 3
    the Ku Klux Klan Act - Outawed activities of the KKK. The KKK killed many people, this act would help get rid of that and people wouldn't have to be so scared anymore.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

    Civil Rights Act of 1875
    The Civil Rights Act of 1875 guaranteed all citizens, regardless of color, access to accommodations, theatres, public schools, churches, and cemeteries. An unintended consequence is that the Supreme Court actually ruled parts of the act unconstitutional.