Laws for freedom

  • 13th Amendment Ratified

    13th Amendment Ratified
    After the 13th Amendment was ratified, slavery or any involuntary servitude became illegal in the United States for any African American. One unintended consequence was the increase of sharecropping to relieve their debt and give African Americans a place to live.
  • 14th Amendment Ratified

    14th Amendment Ratified
    After the 14th Amendment was ratified it ensured that every newborn or person who was naturalized in the US gained the rights and power as a US citizen. This also applies to any freedmen and ex-slaves the same opportunities. One unintentional consequence of the 14th Amendment was the creation of the KKK. The increase of rights given to the African Americans, caused the KKK to be formed and try and take their rights away themselves.
  • 15th Amendment Ratified

    15th Amendment Ratified
    The 15th Amendment made it so all African-American men had the power to vote but not African-American women. Though the Amendment stated that African-American men had the right to vote in many southern states they found ways to work around that. One of the ways is a voting tax making voters pay a price that most African Americans were not able to pay to sway the votes differently.
  • First Enforcement Act

    First Enforcement Act
    The goal of the First Enforcement Act was to make it a federal crime to interfere with the voting rights of African Americans. One unintended consequence of this was the loopholes around it, many states just made certain rules like a voter's tax so then most African Americans couldn't vote.
  • Second Enforcement Act Ratified

    Second Enforcement Act Ratified
    This was known as the Ku Klux Klan Act, which let the president use military force to stop or suppress the KKK and other groups with the same ideas. One unintended consequence of this was the backlash against the federal troops, after the troops were placed into places to stop them locals tried to fight back and stop them which led to the end of reconstitution.
  • 3rd Enforcement Act Ratified

    3rd Enforcement Act Ratified
    The goal of this act was to create more protections for the rights of African Americans and their safety. One consequence of this is that it also limited the U.S. resources making it hard to keep enforcing it and the other 2 acts.
  • Civil Rights act of 1875

    Civil Rights act of 1875
    The Civil Rights Act of 1875 Tried to give African Americans the same experience as white people, finally making them equal. One consequence was that it strained the resources of the U.S. the main one being money. The Union had to try to enforce these rules using a large portion of the budget provided.