Forest Reserve Act of 1891 (Land)
President Benjamin Harrison passed and enforced this act. The Forest Reserve Act of 1891 protected wooded areas as "forest reserves", this act was passed due to over harvested forest. -
Lacey Act (Wildlife)
The Lacey Act bans the trafficking of all illegal wildlife including plants and products such as lumber and paper. -
Antiquities Act (Land)
The Antiquities Act makes it possible for Presidents to establish, preserve and protect Wild and historical sites as national monuments. He can also change the monuments boundaries, Re-designate monuments as national parks and direct resources towards the monument's management. -
National Park Service Act (Wildlife)
This Act provided a new federal bureau called the National Park Service. Which is responsible for protecting our 35 national parks and monuments. -
Migratory Bird Act (Wildlife)
This act makes it illegal to import, export, barter, sell or trade migratory birds. Nor can you sell any part of the bird such as nests or eggs, the only exception is under a valid permit. -
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act (Wildlife)
This act require anyone over the age of 16 hunting waterfowl to have a valid Federal hunting stamp. -
Taylor Grazing Act (Land)
Singed in to Action by Roosevelt, it was used to "stop injury to the public grazing lands by preventing overgrazing and soil deterioration; to provide for their orderly use, improvement, and development; and to stabilize the livestock industry dependent upon the public range." -
Soil Conservation Act of 1935 (Land)
It was passed to combat the soil erosion problem and preserved our natural resources. The act tried to control flooding, preventing impairment of reservoirs, making the navigation of harbors and rivers easier and protect public lands. -
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (protection)
This act governs the registration, distribution, sale, and use of pesticides in the United States. It was intended to make sure there were no unnecessary risk to human or environmental health. -
International Union for the Conservation of Nature
IUCN’s vision is a just world that values and conserves nature. -
Price-Anderson Act (conservation)
which governs liability-related issues for all non-military nuclear facilities constructed in the United States before 2026. -
The Wilderness Act (wildlife)
The Wilderness Act created the National Wilderness Preservation System and called wilderness as “an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain.” -
Land and Water Conservation Act (conservation)
It was created to provide funds and grants to federal, state and local governments for the acquisition of land and water, and easements on land and water. -
Clean Air Act (Air)
It was designed to control the amount pollution nationwide. It was one of the first Air quality laws passed in the U.S. -
Water Pollution Control Act (conservation)
The rise in public awareness of controlling water pollution led to the enactment of the Water Pollution Control Act. -
Clean Water Act (Conservation)
Established the basic structure for regulating polluting discharge into the waters of the United States. -
Marine Mammal Protection Act
Prohibits the killing of all marine mammals in the U.S. and prohibits the import or export of any marine mammal body parts. -
Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Conservation)
It was enacted to protect and preserve all endanger or threatened species throughout their region, an to conserve the ecosystem they depend on. -
Endangered Species Act
Authorizes the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine which species can be listed as threatened or endangered. -
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora controls the international trade of threatened plants and animals. -
Safe Drinking Water Act (Conservation)
It is the act that protect all safe drinking water supplies through out the nation. It also regulates the safety of the public drinking water and makes sure it meets all safety standards. -
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (conservation/management)
It is the act of governing the disposal of solid waste and hazardous waste. -
Comprehensive Environment Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (Conservation)
It funds the clean up of work sites that have been contaminated with Hazardous material.