Period: to
Justice System Timeline
Justice System -
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Becomes Supreme Court Justice
Holmes Jr. becomes the 58th Supreme Court justice, appointed by Theodore Roosevelt -
Weems v. United States
Set a precedent on Cruel and Unusual Punishment, which states it changes with the times -
59th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
William R. Day is appointed as the 59th Supreme Court Justice, appointed by Theodore Roosevelt -
60th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
William Henry Moody is appointed as the 60th Supreme Court Justice by Theodore Roosevelt. -
61st Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Horace Harmon Lurton appointed as the 61st Supreme Court Justice by President William Howard Taft -
9th Chief Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Edward Douglass White is appointed by William Howard Taft as the 9th Cheif Supreme Court Justice. -
63rd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Willis Van Devanter appointed as the 63rd Supreme Court Justice by President William Howard Taft -
64th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Joesph Rucker Lamar appointed as the 64th Justice of the Supreme Court, by President William Howard Taft -
65th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Mahlon Pitney is appointed as the 65th Supreme Court Justice by President William Howard Taft -
66th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
James Clark McReynolds is appointed as the 66th Supreme Court Justice by President Woodrow Wilson. -
67th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Louis Brandeis is appointed at the 67th Supreme Court Justice by President Woodrow Wilson. -
68th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
John Hessin Clarke is appointed as the 68th Supreme Court Justice by President Woodrow Wilson. -
The Criminal Department is formed
The Federal Organizations forms both the Criminal Department or the Department of Justice to monitors Federal Crimes, and give guidance to the Excutice department and Atourny General on criminal law -
10th Chief Supreme Court Justice Appointed
William Howard Taft appointed as the 10th Cheif Supreme Court Justice by Warren G. Harding. -
70th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
George Sutherland is appointed as the 70th Supreme Court Justice by President Warren G. Harding. -
71st Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Pierce Butler is appointed as the 71st Supreme Court Justice by President Warren G. Harding -
72nd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Edward Terry Sanford is appointed as the 72nd Supreme Court Justice by President Warren G. Harding. -
First Execution by Gas Chamber
The first execution by gas chamber was carried out in Carson City Nevada. -
73rd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Harlan F. Stone is appointed as the 73rd Supreme Court Justice by President Calvin Coolidge. -
74th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Owen Joesphus Roberts is appointed as the 74th Supreme Court Justice by President Herbert Hoover. -
11th Chief Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Charles Even Hughes is appointed as the 11th Cheif Supreme Court Justice, appointed by Herbert Hoover -
75th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Benjamin N. Cardozo is appointed as the 75th Supreme Court Justice by President Herbert Hoover. -
The Justice Department is Reorganized
The Justice Department reorganizes itself into three different courts, adminstratice, appellates, and trail -
Last Public Execution
Last public execution is carried out in Kentucky, with 20,000 in attendance, and a large media coverage. -
76th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Hugo Black is appointed as the 76th Supreme Court Justice by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. -
77th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Stanley Forman Reed is appointed as the 77th Supreme Court Justice by President Franklin D. Roosevelt -
The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice
The Civil Rights Division is created, first called the Civil Liberites Section, created to handle injustices in relation to Civil Rights, and discriminatory crimes. -
78th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Felix Frankfurter is appointed as the 78th Supreme Court Justice by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. -
79th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
William O. Douglas is appointed as the 79th Supreme Court Justice by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. -
80th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Frank Murphy is appointed as the 80th Supreme Court Justice by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. -
81st Supreme Court Justice Appointed
James F. Bryrnes is appointed as the 81st Supreme Court Justice by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. -
82nd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Robert H. Jackson appointed as the 82nd Supreme Court Justice by President Franklin D. Roosevelt -
12th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Appointed
Harlan F. Stone is appointed as the 12th Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. -
War Fraud Unit is Created
The War Fraud Unit is created, to stop all fraud against the government during times of war. -
First Female Attorney
Beatrice Rosenburg becomes the first female attorney in the Criminal Justice Department, in the court of appllettes -
83rd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Wiley Blount Ruthledge appointed as the 83rd Supreme Court Justice by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. -
84th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Harold Hitz Burton is appointed as 84th Supreme Court Justice by President Harry S. Truman -
13th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Appointed
Fred M. Vinson is appointed as the 13 Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court, by President Harry S. Truman -
86th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Tom C. Clark is appointed as the 86th Supreme Court Justice by President Harry S. Truman -
87th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Sherman Minton is appointed as the 87th Supreme Court Justice by President Harry S. Truman. -
Brown vs Board of Education
States that schools for segregated by race are not equal -
14th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Appointed
Earl Waren appointed as the 14th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. -
89th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
John Marshall Harlan II appointed as the 89th Supreme Court Justice by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. -
90th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
William J. Brennan appointed as the 90th Supreme Court Justice by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. -
91st Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Charles Even Whittaker appointed as the 91st Supreme Court Justice by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. -
Hawaii and Alaska end Capital Punishment
After much pressure to end the death penalty after England and Canada ended their death penalty. -
Cooper v. Aaron
States that states cannot nullify decisions of Federal Courts -
92nd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Potter Stewart is appointed as the 92nd Supreme Court Justice by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. -
Mapp v. Ohio
An illegally obtained material cannot be used in a criminal trial -
Delaware Restores Death Penalty
After pressure from both sides of the death penalty, Delaware was pressured to restore the death penalty. -
Engel v. Vitale
School initiated prayer (in public schools) violates the first amendment right of freedom of religion. -
94th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Arthur Goldberg is appointed as the 94th Supreme Court Justice by President John F. Kennedy. -
93rd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Byron White is appointed as the 93rd Supreme Court Justice by President John F. Kennedy. -
Gideon v. Wainwright
States that defendants must be provided with representation without charge -
New York Times v. Sullivan
Public officials must show that what was said against them was malice. -
Oregon Abolish the Death Penalty
After pressure from both side of the death penalty Oregon abolish capital punishment. -
95th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Abe Fortas is appointed as the 95th Supreme Court Justice by President Lyndon B. Johnson -
Four States Abolish Capital Punishment
New York, Iowa, West Virginia, and Vermont abolish the death penalty. -
Miranda v. Arizona
States that Police must inform suspects of their rights before questionings. -
96th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Thurgood Marshall is appointed as the 96th Supreme Court Justice by President Lyndon B. Johnson. -
Terry v. Ohio
States that stop and frisk do not violate the Constitution in some circumstances. -
Tinker v. Des Moines
Students rights are still valid in schools, and students have the rights to peacefully protest. -
15th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Appointed
Warren E. Burger is appointed as the 15th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by President Richard Nixon -
98th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Harry Blackmun is the 98th Supreme Court Justice appointed by President Richard Nixon. -
99th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Lewis F. Powell Jr. is appointed as the 99th Supreme Court Justice by President Richard Nixon -
Delaware Abolish Capital Punishment
Delaware Abolish Capital Punishment after England and Canada end the death penalty. -
US v. Nixon
The President is not above the law. -
Separate Juvenile Justice System
The Juvenile Justice System splits from the regular justice system to create a court just for minors, with its own set of rule that is separate from the adult justice system. -
101st Supreme Court Justice Appointed
John Paul Stevens is appointed as the 101st Supreme Court Justice by Gerald Ford -
Public Integrity Section Created
After the Watergate Scandel the department of Justice created the section of Public Integrity to review the acts of politicans. -
Supreme Court Reaffirms Constitutionality of Death Penalty
The United States Supreme Court reaffirms the constitutionality of the death penalty after Gregg v. Georgia. -
Office of Special Investigation Created
The Office of Special Investigation is created to investigate and deport former Nazi after World War II in the United States -
102nd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Sandra Day O'Connor is appointed as the 102nd Supreme Court Justice by President Ronald Reagan. -
Office for Asset Forfeiture Created
The Office for Asset Forfeiture is created to account for non-tax forfeitures. -
New Jersey v. T.L.O.
States that students have a reduced expectation of privacy in school. -
103rd Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Antonin Scalia is appointed as the 103rd Supreme Court Justice by President Ronald Reagan. -
16th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Appointed
William Rehnquist is appointed as the 16th Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court appointed by President Ronald Reagan -
The National Obscenity Enforcement Unit Created
Later named the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section is created to protect the welfare of children. -
Bethel School District #43 v. Fraser
States Students do not have a 1st amendment right to make obscene speeches in school -
1st African American in Assistant Attorney General Position
Edward S.G. Dennis Jr. becomes 1st African American in Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, appointed by President Ronald Regan -
104th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Anthony Kennedy appointed as the 104th Supreme Court Justice by President Ronald Reagan. -
105th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
David Souter is appointed as the 105th Supreme Court Justice by President George H.W. Bush. -
Money Laundering Section
The Money Laundering Section is created to assist the Asset Recovery Section and help with the justice departments anti-money laundering enforcement efforts. -
106th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Clarence Thomas is appointed as the 106th Supreme Court Justice by President George H.W. Bush. -
107th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is appointed as the 107th Supreme Court Justice by President Bill Clinton -
First Female Appointed to Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division
Jo Ann Harris first female Appointed to the assistant attorney general for the Criminal Division, she was appointed by President Bill Clinton. -
108th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Stephen Breyer is appointed as the 108th Supreme Court Justice by President Bill Clinton. -
The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section
The Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section established to protected Americans against cyber crimes. -
Capital Case Unit Created
The Capital Case Unit Created to create fairness and consistency among death penalty cases. -
Santa Fe Independent School v. Doe
States that students may not use school loudspeaker systems to offer student-led prayer, in public schools. -
Board of Education of Independent School District #92 of Pottawatomie County v. Earls
States that random drug tests of students involved in extracurricular activities do not violate the Fourth Amendment -
The Domestic Security Section is Created
The Domestic Security Section is created to fight against terrorism, it was renamed the Counterterrorism Section and Counterespionage Section. -
Roper v. Simmons
States its cruel and unusual to punishment to execute a person on crimes they committed before turning 18. -
17th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Appointed
John Roberts is appointed as the 17th President of the Supreme Court by President George W. Bush -
110th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Samuel Alito is appointed as the 110th Supreme Court Justice by President George W. Bush. -
The Gang Unit is Created
The Gang Unit is Created to target gang-related crimes, and it is moved into the National Security Division. -
111th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Sonia Sotomayor appointed as the 111th Supreme Court Justice by President Barack Obama. -
The OSI merger is Created
The Office of the Special Investigation merger is created from the merger between the Human Rights and Special Prosecution Section -
112th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Elena Kagan is appointed as the 112th Supreme Court Justice by President Barack Obama. -
113th Supreme Court Justice Appointed
Neil Gorsuch appointed as the 113th Supreme Court Justice by President Donald Trump.