Compulsory Attendance Law
This law was put into place that it the schools the right to sue parents for not bringing there children to school. This help with the special education law because it draws a line that everyone is being treated equally and that the children with special needs continue to get the education that they need and are entailed to receive. -
The Civil rights movement
Due to the Civil Rights Movement this provided an opening for the children that are disabled to go against the Federal courts to get education for the disabled and gave them opportunities. -
Brown Verse Board of Education
Was about students having the equal protection clause the Fourteenth Amendment violated. African American students where at different school than white children. Showed that the schools where different and the children where not being treated equal. The case was proven to have violated the Fourteenth Amendment and was justified that the schools are to be combined, so that all children get the same free education. This lead to the Civil Rights Act. -
Civil Rights Act was formed
Prohibits discrimination of any person -
Elementary and Secondary Act
Funding for the low income students so they can attend school. -
PARC verse Commonwealth of PA
This case is about how the children with disability were being denied free education. The case showed that the schools were breaking the law not allowing kids with disability attend school. This was the first case that won equality for kids with disability to attend schools. Kids from the age of 6 to 21 can attend a regular school. This lead to the Education for all Handicapped Children act. -
Larry P. Verse Riles
This case was about using a disabled African America IQ test to place them in a special education classrooms. This case showed that the school was being biased against the children and that those classrooms where not giving the appropriate free education to them as well. Because of this case the law is that no African American disabled child can have there IQ tested and be placed in a certain classroom based on those results. -
Mills Verse Board of Education
This case was about not having funds to be able to attend school and was not allowed to go. The outcome of this case lead to the law FAPE. This case showed that laws where being broken to education because of payment. Which all children are allowed to a free education. The case was won and because of this children of all are allowed to attend a school regardless of being able to pay for it or not regardless. -
Rehabilitation Act 504
Discrimination based on disability -
No Child Left Behind Act
A child was not to be left behind regardless of a disability. Held the state to a higher standard to help all children meet the state standards. -
The Education for All Hanidcapped Child Act
Free education for all disabled child regardless of there disability -
Armstrong Verse Kline
This was a case about how 180 days of school violated the FAPE. Stating disability students should be able to go to school longer than a regular student would to help the children who are disabled. The result of this case was it does go against the law of free education and because of that we have the law of extended school year for children who qualify for it.This lead to the Armstrong group which a recent list of disabilities qualifies those children to attend extended school year programs. -
Hendrick Hudson School V Rowley
This case was about the children who are hearing impaired. Even though the child had a hearing aid the child still wasn't learning 100 percent and needed another type of accommodation. The case did show cause that this was going against the equal protection clause Due to this case children are now allowed to get interpreters in the classroom and will be in the child's IEP plan as needed such accommodations. -
Irving Independent School District Verse Tatro
This case was about a girl that needed to have a catheter at all times and was being denied to go to school because it had to be changed during school hours. The case showed cause that it was breaking the right to free education and won the case. The school was trying to prove that it was more on the medical side of an issue and that being denied free education and that was not the case. This lead to the CIC law that can be done during school hours so children can still attend school. -
Burlington School Committee Verse DOE
This case was about a child that was getting getting education in school, but that school was not the right one for his needs. The parents paid for another school and sued to get reimbursed showing just cause for taking him to another school for his needs and education. Won the case as was reimbursed. If it is deemed necessary parents can get reimbursed for paying for a child to go to another school for the child's best needs for education and for the disability. The law is called EAHCA. -
EHA Amendment
To have more services in place for the children and their families -
Honig verse DOE
This case was about a disabled child being suspended due to his behaviour and actions. The case showed that suspended a disabled child for a long time goes against the law of free education for all children. They outcome of the case was it proved that suspended a disabled child for a long period of time does go against the law Free Education for all children. The law is called the 10 day rule which means that a disabled child is not allowed to be suspended for longer than 10 days. -
Danny R.R Verse State Board of Educaton
This case about about a being secluded in other activities in a school setting because of a disability. The case showed that only secluding children with disability to one setting is not getting the full experience of Free Education for all. It showed that having a more wide opening to be in a normal setting does help with there education and learning. They won the case which is now call the Exclusion Law. No child can be excluded from anything that has to do with a school setting. -
American With Disability Act
Cant discriminate because of disability and has to offer reasonable accommodations. -
EHA Amendment
Renamed to IDEA focusing on IEP as individual plans -
Board of Education in Sacramento Verse Holland
This case is about weather a child should be placed in a normal classroom full time and not split between two different classes. The state thought it was best to split the child but based on the facts it went against the law of Free Education for the disabled, the case was over turned and children if are able can be in a regular classroom. The Law is Called the Rachel H Facts. They use the Rachel H Facts for the IEP's for students to determine there needs. -
Oberti Verse the Board Of Education
This case was about weather a disabled child needs supplement services to be provided for in a classroom setting. It was shown that having extra support for children in these classrooms does help the child in its self to be able to learn better. Which under the law every child is able to get a free education and with the disability adjustments needed to be made. Because of this case classrooms are allowed to have aid services for extra support as well goes on there IEP's. Law is IDEA -
Gaskin Verse Commonwealth of PA
This case was about having disabled children to be included in a regular classroom. Not allowing more disabled children to interact with other students was not giving them the Free Education and support they are entitled to. This case showed that with the right amount of support and aids that children with disabilities can be in a normal setting so they get the same kind of education and treatment as all the other children are getting. -
EHA IDEA Amendment
The renaming of EHA to IDEA as well provide FAPE from preschool to high school -
EHA IDEA Amendment
The renaming of EHA to IDEA as well provide FAPE from preschool to high school -
Cedar Rapids Community School Verse Garrett. F.
This case was about having one on one nursing services for the disabled during school hours. It was argued that nursing was not needed to be in a school. This case showed that in order for children to have a free education certain needs will need to be meet. Just because a child but be on a ventilator doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to get an education. Because of this case nurses are allowed to be in a school if it is needed. This is where the law IDEA came from.. -
IDEA Amendment
This amendment was to implement more reporting of the students and there progress as well have safeguards put into place. -
Andrew F. Verse The Douglas County School District
This case was about disabled children not providing enough education to students as well not having them move in progress with education. So it turned them to move the child to another school. The end result from this case was to provide more support with the IEP and the children's progress all around and to make the IEP more towards the individual child and not lie everyone else. This is what make the IEP for children to be individualized instead of being generic.