
Laura Ingalls Wilder

  • Laura Ingalls Wilder was born

    Laura Ingalls Wilder was born
    She was the second of five children. Her siblings were: Mary Amelia, Caroline Celestia, Charles Fredrick Jr., and Grace Pearl.
  • Laura becomes a school teacher

    Laura becomes a school teacher
  • Laura marries a man named Almonzo

    Laura marries a man named Almonzo
    They got married at the Dakota Territory by the Reverend E. Brown Congregational Church.
  • Rose Wilder was born

    Rose Wilder was born
    She was born at the Dakota Territory
  • Laura and Almonzo's son is born

    Laura and Almonzo's son is born
    Laura and Almonzo's son is born and dies unnamed 12 days after when their house burned down. Nobody knows how, when, or why. It will always be a mystery.
  • Laura's dad dies in DeSmet

    Laura's dad dies in DeSmet
    Nobody knows how, when, or why. It is all a mystery.
  • Laura's mom dies in DeSmet

    Laura's mom dies in DeSmet
    Nobody knows how, when, or why.It is all a mystery.
  • "Little House in the Big Woods"

    "Little House in the Big Woods"
    "Little House in the Big Woods" was published and her first book.
  • Laura died

    Laura died
    Laura died at age 90 having a heart attack in her sleep.