Laura Bush

By s622014
  • birth

    Laura bush was born on november 4th 1946.
  • graduated

    Laura bush graduated in 1964 from Robert lee high schoo.
  • becoming a teacher

    becoming a teacher
    laura bush became a teacher in the 1960s.she was very good at her job.
  • science degree

    science degree
    laura attained her science degree in 1973.
  • meeting george w.bush

    meeting george w.bush
    laura bush met george w. bush in 1977.
  • geting married

    geting married
    laura got married to george on november 5th.
  • giving birth to twins

    giving birth to twins
    laura gave bith to twins on november in 1981
  • husband becoming 43rd president

    husband becoming 43rd president
    lauras husbend becomes 43rd president in the year of 2000.
  • giving the presidental raidio address

    giving the presidental raidio address
    on 2001 Laura Bush gives the presidental raidio address.