Constitution Passes
This happened in January of 1789. All of the 11 states who passed the Constitution sent people who were electors who had to choose who the first president would be. The group of the people were called the Electoral college, which is a group of electors who represented people's votes for choosing the president. The winner of the election was George Washington and it was an easy win for him. The vice president was John Adams. -
Judiciary Act
The Judiciary Act that happened in 1789 was an act that created three levels of federal courts and defined their power and relationship to the state courts. Candidates were nominated for Federal judgeships by the president. They would then go to the senate where they would either be rejected or approved. There is some writing from George Washington about the importance of the duties which include things like how the Judiciary systems should be as good as they can be and independent. -
4 Million People in the US
In 1790 The United States was populated with four million people. Majority of the four million people lived on the countryside and worked on farms. The farmers wanted the tax laws to be fair and they wanted the right to be able to settle western lands. They didn't want anything to do with the government and they didn't want them to interfere with their lives. -
Cabinet Meetings
Today in modern time, we still use a precedent which is a decision or action that will serve as an example in the future. The presidents today still have cabinet meetings with the top advisers. This all started from George Washington in 1792 when he was the president. George Washington selected Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson for two cabinet positions that were some of the most important. -
24 stockbrokers signed an agreement
In Wall Street New York, 24 stockbrokers signed an agreement under a buttonwood tree. This agreement was a big part of the development of the New York Stock Exchange. It made Wall Street build up to being the center of the United States. The city's population grew by 33,000 and it was still growing rapidly. The city showed potential for a new nation. It was a fitting place for a capital. -
The election
A new era began in 1976 when the election happened.This was the first time more than one person ran for president. Political Parties formed when George Washington was president. Political Parties are groups that help elect people. Washington warned people about political parties but nobody listened and then two parties had a rivalry and took over the 1796 election. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
The federalists controlled congress gave four laws called the Alien and Sedition acts. They were said to protect the United States but the federalists saw them as a way to crush opposition to war. The Sedition act forbade people from publishing or voicing criticism of the federal government. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press were cancelled because of all of this. -
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions argued that the Alien and Sedition acts were not in accordance with a political constitution. They said that the federal government couldn't pass the acts because they got in the way of the state government. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison pressured the congress to revoke the Alien and Sedition acts. That didn't work, but congress agreed for it to expire within a few years.