The start of the Haitian Revolution
The Haitian Revolution began because the Whites oppressed the enslaved Africans. The African slaves was the social class that led the Revolution. The Revolution was led by the leaders Toussaint Louverture and Jean-Jacques Dessalines. -
End of the Haitian Revolution
The Haitian Revolution fought against France who tried to remove Toussaint Louverture from power in Haiti.The Revolution ended by the General Dessalines declaring the colony's Independence this shows that The revolution was successful because they declared what they were fighting for, Independence for their land. -
The start of the Mexican Revolution
The Mexican revolution began because the Indians and the Mestizos joined together to get their independence. The Encomienda System classes that led the revolution were the Creoles,Mestizos,and the Indians.Tho the leaders of the Revolution were Miguel Hidalgo, Jose Maria Morelos and officer Agustin. -
Start of the South American Revolution
The Revolution began because the Venezolanos wanted Independence from the Spaniards.The Creoles were the social class that led the Revolution.The leaders were called Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin. -
End of the Mexican revolution
The Mexican Revolution was fought against Spain. The revolution finally ended when Officer Agustin defeated the rebel and claimed independence in 1821. It was Successful because they got their independence which was what they wanted. -
The start of the Brazilian Revolution
The Brazil revolution began because the Napoleons armies invaded Portugal so the king and queen moved to Brazil.The social classes that participated were the Creoles and the Mestizos.The leaders were KIng John and dom pedro. -
The End of the Brazilian Revolution
The Brazilians fought the Portuguese,this ended by Brazil gaining their Independence,this was very successful because the Brazilians got what they were fighting for with no violence. The very important and fascinating fact is that this revolution ended and started on the same day. -
End of the South American Revlution
South America fought spain. This Revolution ended by the unity of the Revolutionary Forces and won the battle.The Revolution was successful because they fought back and won and Brazil got their freedom.