
Latin America 2018

  • Migrant Caravan

    Migrant Caravan
    Towards the end of December about about two dozen migrants climbed over the border wall separating Mexico from the US near Tijuana. These migrants were attempting to cross into the US illegally to escape from gang violence, seeking asylum and new job opportunities. Many migrants became frustrated at the long wait they must face at the border. The race towards the border was caused by unsanitary conditions at the temporary shelter they were stationed at.The group got the name "migrant caravan.”
  • The Venezuelan Supreme Court Bans Opposition Leaders From Running in Upcoming Election

    The Venezuelan Supreme Court Bans Opposition Leaders From Running in Upcoming Election
    Venezuela's pro-government Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that the main opposition coalition won't be allowed to register for the presidential election. The nation's most popular anti-Maduro leaders are now scrambling to figure out their response. Moving the election ahead by several months has drawn international condemnation. The U.S. has declared it will not recognize the elections, saying they will only undermine Venezuela's constitutional order and deepen tensions within government.
  • Oaxaca Earthquake

    On February 17, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Oaxaca, Mexico. The people gathered in their in the streets of the capital, Oaxaca, which is located near Mexico’s Pacific coast. No deaths were reported and the town was struck again by a 5.8 aftershock. This freighted many people due to the deadly earthquake that happened five months before. People were still recovering from the earthquake that caused 228 deaths in the capital and 141 more in nearby states.
  • Fire at Carabobo State Police

    Fire at Carabobo State Police
    In March a fire broke out during a prison riot at the Carabobo state police in Venezuela. This is the second deadliest prison fire killing 68 people. When families of the dead stormed the police station demanding answers the police forces released tear gas didn’t answer questions. This is the latest incident because of the overcrowded prison system. The UN human rights office said it was appalled by the fire and called on authorities in Venezuela to carry out an investigation.
  • Guatemala Votes to Demand Over Half of Belize

    Guatemala Votes to Demand Over Half of Belize
    In a referendum, Guatemalan voters chose to file a claim at the International Court of Justice demanding sovereignty over 53% of Belize. This increased pre-existing tensions between these countries. While Belize is optimistic in the potential neutral outcome, a defeat would be catastrophic. Guatemala’s demand covers a mainland, islands and sea territory. The area contains 43% of Belize’s people, 50% of its exports and 38% of its GDP. Belize’s vote will not be ready until 2019.
  • Ending Sexual Violence in Argentina

    Ending Sexual Violence in Argentina
    In May in Argentina a movement to end sexual violence spread with the use of a hashtag. #Cuentalo meaning count it started on Twitter as a way for Argentinian woman to share their harassment stories. Throughout Latin America rampant gender violence still persists but these women's stories are a good way to spread the message of ending this.
  • South American Games

    South American Games
    The South American Games is a competition held between nations in South America. This year the games were hosted in Cochabamba, Bolivia form May 26 - June 8. Cochabamba was picked over Bolivia and Peru to host this year which is considered an honor and privilege. Brazil dominated this past year bringing home 48 gold medals followed by Colombia and then Venezuela. This event is a great time for the South American nations to come together to compete and show off their athletic talents.
  • Mexico’s General Elections

    Mexico’s General Elections
    A new President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, was elected to serve a term of five years and ten months. During this election 128 members of the Senate were also elected for six years and 500 members of the Chamber of Deputies were elected to serve for a period of three years. This was one of the largest election days in Mexican history, with most of the nation's states holding state and local elections on the same day with over 3,400 positions subject to elections at all levels of government.
  • Argentina and Abortion

    Argentina and Abortion
    A bill to fully legalize abortion was brought to Argentina's senate. Argentina is a large population of Catholics who oppose abortion. Abortion is legal in only 3 other places in Latin America. Argentina has many legal abortions, 350000 to 450000, a year. The bill the Senate is currently debating will allow the procedure for the first 14 weeks of pregnancy. After the first 14 weeks, the health and rape thresholds will remain in place.
  • US puts sanctions on Venezuelas First Lady

    US puts sanctions on Venezuelas First Lady
    In September the US decided to impose financial sanctions on the first lady of Venezuela. To put pressure on the president. The US has done so because Venezuela has a history of undermining democracy and and they are criticized for their economic collapse. Pressure on Venezuela has also been growing within Latin America. Food shortages and a widespread economic and political crisis have driven 2.3 million Venezuelans out of their homes.
  • Fight Against Soy Destruction

    Fight Against Soy Destruction
    The Gran Chaco forest is being destroyed for the soy crop that gets shipped to Europe as animal feed. This soy crop is the backbone of Argentina’s fragile economy but has destroyed the farmland as over deforestation has persisted. Argentina in October has now started working on laws to prevent the clear cutting of land.
  • Argentina Hosts G20 Summit

    Argentina Hosts G20 Summit
    Argentina became the first South American country to host the G20 Leaders’ Summit. Argentina had the opportunity to bring a southern perspective to the global forum, although, this proved to be unsuccessful. At the conference, they discussed topics such as reform of the World Trade Organization, the US-China Trade War, the Ukraine Conflict, and NAFTA. Nonetheless, no final statement had been reached and, ultimately, failed to fix world trade.