Period: to
Last Stages of WW2
German defeat at Stalingrad
the germans had to surrender to the USSR since they couldnt beat the cold -
Ivasion of Italy
the allies came from the south of italy to make the axis powers flee back up into the middle of europe. after a few days marching through italy the allies re-took italy from the germans. -
D-Day Invasion
The D-Day invasion was accomplished by the allied powers to re-take the west front of France, and weakened the axis powers. -
Battle of Berlin
this was the last major battle of ww2. after the axis take this loss hitler committed suiside with his wife -
Death of Hitler
after losing the Battle of Berlin Hitler and his wife commited suiside so he wouldnt go down surrendering the war -
Battle Of Okimawa
the japs were hiding all over their island shooting at the americans. but we didnt give up and the allies ended up taking over the island -
Bombing of Hiroshima
the usa dropped the first ever nuclear bomb on hiroshima,japan -
The Bombing of Nagasaki
the usa dropped their second nuclear bomb and their last on japan again -
Surrender of Japan
after the 2 bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki japan leader decided it was a good idea to give up the war before more of his people die. -
Surrender of Italy
the italians surrendered after noticing they are not going to beable to get out of the war in the future. since they surrendered in the middle of the war they seemed to dogde a lot of chargers throughout the war -
Battle of the Bulge
Germany victory a major offensive to split the british and american allied line in half