
HendersonJ Odyssey: Summary

  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis: summary and Analysis

    Summary: Odysseus and his men has to navigate the straits between Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla is a 6 headed monster who swallow sailors head.Charybdis is an enormous whirlpool that threatens to swallow the entire ship. Odysseus listened to Circe and holds his course tight against Scylla lair. Analysis: Odysseus and his men must find a way to get pass Charybdis and Scylla. Scylla is a 6 head monster. Charybdis is a giant whirlpool. Odysseus and his men later passes both of these monster.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    Summary: During the Trojan war, Paris, A prince of Troy kidnapped Helen, The most beautiful woman in the world from her husband Menelaus. The king of Sparta. Menelaus then recruited allies and his brother Agamemnon and traveled to Troy and battled to find Paris and his wife Helen. The battle went on for ten years without the Greeks conquering the Trojans. Later Odysseus Later thought of a brilliant plan to destroy and conquer Troy, and they did.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops summary

    Summary: During Odysseus journey, he found a cave full of milk and cheese with sheep. Odysseus men told him to take it and run and he said no. A cyclops named Pholyphemus came back into his cave which was his home. Pholyphemus devoured two of his men and traps Odysseus and the rest of his men for future meals. Odysseus and his men stabs him in the eye and escapes.
  • 1200 BCE


    Analysis: Odysseus gained and sed his knowledge by outsmarting the Cyclops. For Example, Odysseus told the Cyclops that his name was Nobody which made him helpless. Also Odysseus stuck him and his eye with a stick when he was sleep, then he snuck out under the sheep bellies. Odysseus throughout the story constantly trick the cyclops to find away out.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters:summary

    Summary: Odysseus lost 6 men in his crew. A storm sent by Zeus swept them away for 9 days putting them on the land of the lotus eaters. The natives gave his men the intoxicated fruit of the lotus. As soon as they ate the fruit they lost all train of thought of going home, all they wanted to do was to stay and eat the fruit. Odysseus finally dragged all of them back to the ship and sailed off.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters: Analysis

    Analysis: The emotions for this event is frustration when Odysseus had to control his men. Odysseus was very frustrated because his men were tricked so easily and lost all train of thought to go home. Another reason was how they got there in the first place. They journey is taking a lot longer then he expected due to the long journey he been through. Lotus eaters were examples of magic to make them beg for more of the fruit because of the magic that was used and just how good the fruit food was.
  • 1200 BCE


    Summary: Odysseus and his men travels to Aeaea, home of the beautiful witch goddess Circe. Circe drug some of Odysseus men and turn them into pigs. One of Odysseus men ran back to the ship and begs him to leave but Odysseus object and went back to go and get his men who turned into pigs. Hermes approach him and gives Odysseus a herb called moly to protect him from Circe. Odysseus later becomes Circe lover and lives with her for a year. Odysseus later continue his journey to Ithaca with his men.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe: analysis

    Analysis: Odysseus lost time during his time in Aeaea when he was with Circe. Also Odysseus gained help from Circe with her direction for him to go to Ithaca. Odysseus also gained help and guidelines for him to bypass Circe and for him to get home. Odysseus crew was not smart when they was being tricked by Circe and they just wasted time being pigs.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolous- bag of wind Analysis

    Analysis: Odysseus lost a lot of time due to his men stupidity because they did open a bag of wind and lost time. Odysseus gained knowledge to not trust his men who tried to steal from him because if it was actually gold they would have took it. Also, Odysseus crew can not be trusted and when they tried to steal they just caused a bad storm which made their home farther away. This location helps develops the themes because Odysseus men made their journey a lot more longer than it had to be.
  • 1200 BCE


    Summary:Odysseus and his men goes to the island where there were sirens at he quickly plugged all of his men ears in with beeswax. Odysseus hear the sirens voice that was promising to reveal their future. The sirens song was so seductive that Odysseus begs his men to let him go but his men holds him tighter. odysseus begs and begs for his men to let him go but his men binds him tighter.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helio's cattle Analysis

    Analysis: Odysseus gained knowledge and knew how much trouble his crew would get him into and how sneaky they were. Odysseus lost a lot of his men and a lot of time due to this disruptive journey that helped him none. Odysseus learned that finding loyal and trustworthy people will be a long and hard journey due to his past. he also gained a way to his home to live. This location helped developed a theme by keep setting them back and making their journey even longer and now it was just him alone.
  • 1200 BCE

    Hendersonj Odysseus:Analysis

    Hendersonj Odysseus:Analysis
    Analysis: Odysseus gained knowledge when he snuck the Greeks in the horse and suprised the Trojans when they had no other way. Odysseus lost time since they was battling the Trojans for ten years and they had no luck of winning. Odysseus learned how to conquer the Trojans when he used his knowledge and thought of a good plan to defeat the Trojans. Also, Odysseus had good knowledge when he led the greeks to victory. This showed how much knowledge Odysseus really had and how powerful he was.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens: analysis

    Analysis: Odysseus gained self control when he had to basically force himself to not give into the sirens. Odysseus also lost some control when the Sirens voice was so seductive and he wanted to get out so bad. Odysseus also had his crew to help him threw it and they held him together when he needed them the most and they really helped him out.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helio's Cattle: summary

    Summary: When Odysseus and his men travels to Thrinacia The sun island. Odysseus first thought was to not stay there but Eurylochus persuades him and his crew to stay there and they stay for a month. Eurylochus now tells Odysseus men to kill The sun's cattle and they did. When the sun god found out he told zeus to punish them and Odysseus. Zeus hits them with a storm and Odysseus is the only one to make it out alive. All of Odysseus men ended up not living due to the storm that delivered by Zeus
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors/home summary

    Summary: Odysseus returns home and At first, he was a beggar to find out what was going on at his home. His wife Penelope creates a battle that nobody can win unless Odysseus was there. Odysseus came and had help from two servants and his son so he could get help to get back to his old life. Odysseus revealed himself and who he was and confronted all of the suitors. They all begged for their life But odysseus wanted none of them to live. Odysseus made sure nobody was living since he was at home.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitor/home Analysis

    Analysis: Odysseus gained his wife back finally after all of this time and he came home. Odysseus lost a lot of men during this time and also lost a lot of time. Odysseus learned that it was going to be very hard to find loyal and trustworthy people to be around him. Also Odysseus lost his whole crew due to this tragic journey. Odysseus is finally home with his wife Penelope after he gained her trust and she gained his trust they both were loyal and trustworthy people to help each other people.
  • Nov 15, 1200

    Aeolous- bag of wind: summary

    Aeolous- bag of wind: summary
    Summary: Within ten days they Odysseus and his crew were in sight of Ithaca. Odysseus men thought Aeolous gave Odysseus a bag of gold and silver opens it and it causes them to open a bag of bad wind. the wind stirs up a storm and causes them to land on Aeaea Odysseus goes back to Aeolous for help again and he says no because he think the gods hate him and would wish harmful things his way.