carter-OIL crisis
It all started when Members of the OAPEC consisting of arab, egypt, syria, Tusinia declared an oil embargo. The OAEPC Announced a decision to raise the price of oil by 70% or $5.11 a barrel. The results are Stock market crash, israel goes on nuclear alert, gas is not available in some parts of the world and people go nuts because of no oil. -
Reagen reduced growth of government spending, federal income taxes, and reduced government regulation. There was a a decade of rising unemployment and a bad economy, but when he became president he cut oil windfall taxes, signs the economic recovery tax act of 1981, and made families incomes grow and so did jobs. -
Space Shuttle challenger disaster-Ronal Reagan
The challenger was set to launch on january 22. But there was still some issues such as a project that was still going on called the STS-61-C which made the launch of the challenger date change to january 23 and then later moved to the 24th. But then it was later moved to the 25 because of bad weather, then later moved to the 26th because of of problems with the exterior access hatch. so finally they launched it on the 28th it started off well but then it started to come out in pieces/blewup. -
Peace and Human Rights around the world-Carter Center
The program created by carter worked to provide human rights and take away human suffering. Such as political rights, peace, freedom, self governance, and healthcare, food, shelter, and lastly economic opportunities around the world. -
Reagan caught selling to iran
senior administration officials wanted to free seven american hostages being held by a group of iranian people. And later members of the executive branch sold weapons to ian in exchange for the release of the american hostages. -
george w bush berlin wall falls
for 28 years this wall kept east germans from fleeing to the west. The soviet union started to take control over the east german side of the wall by making it communists so people started to wanted to escape because they didnt like the way they were being treated. but later on the east german government official announced that east germany and west germany can reunite and thats when the wall was torned down. Which made people happy. -
george w bush diabilities act
a civil righst law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. this law was intended to protect workers with disabilities, to not allow such discrimination of disabled people to go into stores, school districts, and public areas, and no discrimination of having goods, and services offered to an individual. And lastly come up with good software to make of use for disabled people in need. -
george w bush gulf war
was a war by a U.N authorized coalition force from 34 nations led by the united states, against iraq in response to iraqs invasion and annexation of kuwait. Presdient george w. bush send troops into saudi arabia. The goal was to expel iraqi troops from kuwait whic they ended up accomplishing by signing a peace treaty. -
clinton welfare reform
This law eliminated federal gurantees of cash assistance and gave states authority to run their own welfare reform programs with block grants of federal money. It also established a life time limit of five years of aid per family and required most adults to work within two years of receiving aid. -
Clinton Impeached
Bill clinton was accused of having sexual harrasments with a young white house intern. And then later admitted to having had an inappropriate relationship. On december 19 the house voted to impeach clinton on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. -
clinton scandal
Clinton was accused of having taken part in fraudulent loans and land deals in arkansas years earlier and of having used his influence as then governor to block an investigation of his business partners. As a result, some of clintons friends were convicted of various crimes and sentenced to prison. But no eveidence was found on clinton. -
clinton Battle over healthcare
when clinton took office an estimated 37 million americans had no health insurance, he presented a proposal to congress that would gurantee affordable coverage to every american, but a number of insurance, professional, and small businesses groups opposed clintons program -
George H.W. Bush War in afghanistan
The united states believed Bin Laden was hiding in afghanistan, Then america tried to force the shut down of terrorists training camps by the taliban and the taliban refused to accept, So president bush decided to take military action. It was a hard task but ended it ended up defeating the taliban terrorists leaders. -
george w bush september 11
This was a day where Islamic group of people had a series of four coordinated terrorists attacks in new york city and washington D.C. Four passenger airliners were hijacked by 19 terrorists and the planes were used to be flown into buildings. One of the worst case scenarios in history alot of people died. -
George w. bush Homeland security
He created agencies such as immigration and naturalization service, the coast guard, and the secret service. These agencies would work together to prevent terrorists attacks, to reduce the country's vulnerability to terrorism, and design ways of dealing with potential damage of an attack. -
George W. Bush War in Iraq
Bush sent a warning to hostile nations to stop developing weapons of mass destruction. Then bush declared iraq, iran, and north korea to be part of an axis of evil. So the united states went to war with iraq and threw bombs at key targets, also they caught saddam a crime committer. -
obama health care reform
This law provided affordable healthcare insurance for all united states citizens, is a national healthcare plan aimed at reforming the american healthcare system. it provided better wellness services, low income families access to quality health insurance, an increased consumer protection. -
obama bin laden dead obama
at 1:00 am the navy seals of the us naval special welfare developtment group Had a raid launched on bin laden's compound in abottadad, pakistan from afghnastian. After the raid us forces took bin ladens body to afghanistian for identification, then buried it at sea within 24 hours of his death.