Last 35 Years

  • 1976 Election

    1976 Election
    Jimmy Carter had a narrow victory over Gerald Ford.
  • Deep South President

    Carter is the first deep south president in 128 years.
  • Peanut Farmer in Office

    Jimmy Carter, a peanut farmer, is elected President.
  • Soviets Invade Afghanistan

    Soviets Invade Afghanistan
    The Soviets invaded Afghanistan.
  • 1980 Election

    1980 Election
    Jimmy Carter ran against Ronald Reagan, with Reagan winning.
  • Eagle Claw

    Operation eagle claw fails, leaving 8 servicemen dead.
  • Olympic Boycott

    Olympic Boycott
    Carter decides to boycott the Moscow Summer Olympics
  • 1984 Election

    1984 Election
    Ronald Reagan wins the presidential race of 1984
  • Challenger Space Shuttle

    Challenger Space Shuttle
    Challenger Space Shuttle exploded in mid air
  • 1988 Election

    1988 Election
    George H. W. Bush won the presidential election against Michael Dukakis.
  • Iraq Invades

    Iraq Invades
    Iraq invades Kuwait
  • Kuwait Liberated

    Kuwait Liberated
    Kuwait is liberated
  • 1992 Election

    1992 Election
    Bill Clinton wins the presidential race against Bush.
  • Tax Raise

    Taxes were raised in 1992
  • Approval Rating Drops

    Bush's approval rating dropped to 49%

    Nafta is created to strengthen economies in Canada, US, and Mexico
  • Whitewater Scandal

    The Whitewater scandal leads to Clinton's impeachment.
  • Federal Surplus

    Clinton announced the federal government had a surplus.
  • 2000 Election

    George W. Bush won the presidential race against Al Gore.
  • 9/11

    Terrorists crash planes into the World Trade Center.
  • Nobel Peace Prize Winner

    Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, the only president to win after leaving office.
  • Invade Iraq

    US and British forces invaded Iraq.
  • Saddam Found

    Saddam Hussein is found and executed
  • 2008 Election

    Barack Obama wins the presidential election against John McCain.
  • First Black President

    Obama wins the presidential race, becoming the first black president.