October 16th, 1941: Birth of a Philosopher
Born on October 16th, 1941, Larry Laudan would grow to be is a philosopher of science and epistemology. Throughout his life, he would strongly criticize the traditions of positivism, realism, and relativism, and he has defended a view of science as a privileged and progressive institution against popular challenges. -
1965: PhD in Philosophy
Laudan earned his doctorate degree in philosophy from Princeton University. His dissertation was titled "The Idea of a Physical Theory from Galileo to Newton: Studies in Seventeenth-Century Methodology," and he studied with Thomas Kuhn. -
1977: Progress and its Problems
Laudan published his arguably controversial think piece Progress and Its Problems in 1977. In this book, Laudan rejects several time-honored assumptions of previous philosophized sciences. Laudan argues that since we have no way of determining to what extent our scientific theories about unobservable entities are correct, it is irrational to believe that any of our theories are even partially true. -
1981: A Confutation of Convergent Realism
Lauden wrote this essay in 1981. In it, he explores and critiques key concepts of the epistemology of realist philosophies of science. It shows that neither reference nor approximate truth will do the explanatory jobs that realists expect of them. -
1984: Science and Values
In 1984, Laudan published his book "Science and Values". In it, he constructs a fresh approach to the longtime problem of how to explain the simultaneous and widespread presence of both agreement and disagreement in science. He further goes on to critique logical empiricists and the post-positivists as he stresses the need for centrality and values and the interdependence of values, methods, and facts as prerequisites to solving the problems of consensus and dissent in science. -
1990: Controversy
While serving as the Chair of Philosophy at the University of Hawaii, Laudan was critical of fellow professor Haunani-Kay Trask, over a debate in the local newspapers regarding her claims about white supremacy and the colonisation of Hawaii. Laudan "demanded" to a Vice President of the University that Trask be reprimanded for her published comments. Later on, the Philosophy Department that Laudan chaired issued a public "Statement on Racism in Academe" condemning Dr. Trask's remarks. -
1996: Beyond Positivsm and Realism
Laudan wrote in his piece "Beyond Positivism and Realism" (1996) that "the aim of science is to secure theories with a high problem-solving effectiveness" and that scientific progress is possible when empirical data is diminished." -
Period: to
1997-2022: Professor Laudan
Laudan was a professor at the University of Texas Austin School of Law where he taught classes in legal epistemology. He also served as the professor of philosophy at the University of Hawaii. Since 2000 Laudan has been a senior investigator at the Instituto de las Investigaciones Filosoficas of National Autonomous University of Mexico until his recent death in August 2022.