Birth Date
Larry Laudan was born on October 16, 194 in Austin Texas. -
Philosopher's Work
Larry Laudan, An American philosopher and a known professor; is well known for his book "Progress and its Problems". Basically, in this book Laudan opposed Karl Popper and Kuhn's empiricism and revolution holding a true idea that science would have an ever-changing method behind it and that empirical confirmation does nit make it the superior methodology of science. Even though, Laudan opposed two mainstream methods, he was not views as radical to the likes of Feyerabend. -
Science and Values
In 1984 Larry released another book called "Science and Vales". In this book he shows the world his reticulated model and his observational, theoretical claims do not always change together to make what Kuhn referred to as "revolution". Soo, Laudan critiques the logical empiricists and the post-positives as the stresses the need for centrality and values the interdependence of values. -
Fun Fact
According to various sources, Laudan's net worth has grown significantly in 2019, the estimated range of Larry's net worth is $19,953! -
Larry Laudan
Larry Laudan is still alive to this day!