Minamata Disaster, Japan
A chemical factory in Minamata releases a methyl-mercury contaminated wastewater in large quantities. This causes hundred of casualties and the spread of a new disease called the Minamata Disease. This event lead to major anti-pollution campaigns in Japan, and the government began to introduce a variety of pollution control laws and regulations, while corporations started to more seriously tackle environmental problems. -
Silent Springs (Environmental Science Book)
It mainly focuses on the adverse environmental effects caused by the extensive use of pesticides. The author used known information from scientists and presented his conclusions to the public. The book was partly responsible for the strong ecology movement, grassroots movement, and the banning of DDC. -
First Earth Day
Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin was disturbed that an issue as important as our environment was not addressed in politics or by the media, so he creates the first Earth Day. An estimated 20 million people nationwide attended festivities that day. It eventually leads to national legislations such as the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. It is the first big opportunity people hey have to join in a demonstration to send a big message to public officials. -
The Limits To Growth (Book)
The book presents and analyzes 12 scenarios that show different possible patterns—and environmental outcomes—of world development over two centuries from 1900 to 2100. This book has been attacked repeatedly since its publication because it showed how the world and it's resources were being destroyed and consumed, and people didn't want to believe this -
The Chernobyl Disaster
The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant near the now-abandoned town of Pripyat, Soviet Union, has a catastrophic nuclear accident resulting in many radiation-related fatalities. There is an increased awareness of the dangers inherent in nuclear power, and a strong activist movement in Eastern Europe to mitigate these dangers through increased security measures and limited use of nuclear energy. -
Brundtland Report (Our Common Future)
The UN sets up this commission on the environment and development. It coins the term "sustainable development" and defines it as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." It says "sustainable development" will be reached through environmental protection, economic growth and equity. The commission laid the groundwork for the convening of the 1992 Earth Summit, and the numerous agreements. -
The Earth Summit
Held in Rio de Janeiro, this huge Summit brings together leaders of 105 nations with the intention of rethinking economic growth, advancing in social equity, and ensuring environmental protection. The outcome is the agreement to major treaties, and the raising of awareness all around the world. The summit is thought to be an immediate success. However, the inability of governments to properly implement the commitments made is proven years later now that the world is suffering greatly. -
An Inconvenient Truth (Documentary)
The documentary focuses on the story of United States Vice president Al Gore's campaign to educate people about global warming. The film features a comprehensive slide show, and shows the threat that climate change poses to the earth, its causes, effects, history and potential solution. People notably admired it and decided to speak out and teach other about climate change, “the climate movement exploded”. People started caring more about the environment and making sustainable choices. -
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster
At the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, an energy accident releases some radioactive elements because of the 15- metre tsunami which followed the Tōhoku earthquake of magnitude 9.0. This causes the release of radioactive material into the sea; the damage in biodiversity is still very visible in Fukushima and the areas around it. This raises global awareness of the massive dangers inherent in nuclear energy and led to many governments deciding to reduce their reliance on nuclear power. -
The Paris Climate Agreement
A product of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the agreement deals with greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance, starting in the year 2020. This agreement ; takes on ambitious efforts to defeat climate change and adapt countries to its effects. It's aim is to make stronger the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. -
Holocene Extinction
Human Behaviour is on the verge of causing a mass-extinction, the sixth in the world’s history. Wildlife is dying out due to many factors such as habitat destruction, overhunting, toxic pollution, human overpopulation, continued population growth, and overconsumption. -
The Ocean Clean Up
Through investigations, scientists say that this project would be able to collect half of the plastic located in the Pacific Ocean (considered as the most polluted ocean) which is about 8,000,000 tons of plastic that enter the ocean every year. This project will float 62 mile long solid curved barriers and it is made of thermoplastic and high-density polythene. It will reduce enormously the loss of habitats and the ocean will be clean again.