Language Milestones! Trévian, Josh and Caroline

  • Period: to

    Infancy of Summer

  • Baby Summer is Born!

    Baby Summer is Born!
  • 0-3 Months Old

    0-3 Months Old
    Form: Baby Summer is starting to produce cooing and gooing sounds. ex- "ba" and "gaga".
    Content: She begins to hold and inspect two-dimensional objects. Summer will also mouth some objects. ex- Summer picks up a block she is playing with, looks at it, and puts a corner of it in her mouth.
    Use: She starts to become aware of strangers and unfamiliar people that she encounters. Summer will start to look at people in a brief manner. ex- Summer looks at new people who come over to meet her.
  • 3-6 Months Old

    3-6 Months Old
    Form: Summer can distinguish language that belongs to the same rhythmic class. She starts to produce vowel sounds and vowel glides. ex- "a", "o".
    Content: She can distinguish between purposeful and accidental actions. She begins to form object categories ex- able to know that when her mom drops something and mom says no, that it was an accident.
    Use: She is now able to recognize her own name and fixes gazes on others' faces. ex- "Hi baby summer" in a high-pitched voice, she looks up at her mom.
  • 6-9 Months Old

    6-9 Months Old
    Form: Summer is able to discriminate between two allophones of the same phoneme. She begins to segment words from fluent speech. ex- words with t & th, she can distinguish the difference.
    Content: She starts to make attempts to imitate gestures. Is able to understand the word "no". ex- She draws on the wall and mom says no so she stops.
    Use: Summer is beginning to engage in joint attention.
    ex- Summer's mom points at toys. Giving her mom to toy and the mom giving to toy back.
  • 9-12 Months Old

    9-12 Months Old
    Form: Summer is able to identify words in the speech that do not conform to the native language stress pattern. ex- she can hear different words that are different from her language which is English.
    Content: She is able to understand rational actions as means to a goal. As well as understanding 5-10 words. ex- is able to understand words such as mom, dad, no, yes, and her name
    Use: She will be using more imperative pointing ex- she points at the dog saying "ah doog".
  • Period: to

    Summer is a Toddler!

  • 12-15 Months Old

    12-15 Months Old
    Form: Summer has unintelligible speech, except for a few words. 50% of her utterances consist of single nouns. ex- Summer starts to use sounds in words but is not able to put full words together.
    Content: Summer spoke her first word! ex- She said "Mama"
    Use: Summer starts to use referential gestures, such as line of regard, gestures, voice direction, and body posture. ex- Summer uses referential gestures is when she turns to her mother to tell her something.
  • 15-18 Months Old

    15-18 Months Old
    Form: Summer starts to pronounce about 25% of words intelligibly.
    Content: She uses negation (no). About 33% of all utterances that Summer pronounces are single nouns. ex- Summer says no when her mom asks if she is hungry.
    Use: Summer uses between 3 and 20 words. ex- Summer is beginning to expand on "Mama" and say "Dada" or "Dog".
    Content: Uses verbal turn-taking. ex- Summer converses with her mom and she then waits for her mom to say something before Summer says something else.
  • 18-21 Months Old

    18-21 Months Old
    Form: Summer begins to process spoken words incrementally. She begins to use grammatical morphemes like "ing". ex- Summer says "Let's go running."
    Content: Summer begins to produce about 50 words. She uses some verbs and adjectives. ex- she says "I slide" when she is going down the slide on a playset.
    Use: Summer uses gesture word combinations and uses two gesture combinations as well. ex- Summer nods when her mom asks her a question.
  • 21-24 Months Old

    21-24 Months Old
    Form: Summer is asking questions with rising intonation. She also pronounces about 65% of all words intelligibly. Summer begins to use two-word combinations. ex- uses "in" and "on". She also uses plural and possessive morphemes.
    Content: She comprehends approximately 500 words and produces about 200 words.
    Use: She begins to use imaginative and informative language functions. ex- starts to have imaginative play like pretending there are dragons and fairies while playing with toys.
  • 24-27 Months Old

    24-27 Months Old
    Form: Summer is able to ask questions with rising intonation. Pronounces about 65% of all words intelligibly.
    Content: Comprehends approximately 500 words. Produces about 200 words.
    Use: Begins to use imaginative, heuristic, and informative language functions.
    ex for all: is able to ask for things she wants like toys or food, Summer says, "I want flying hamburger".
  • 27-30 Months Old

    27-30 Months Old
    Form: She pronounces 70% of all words & demonstrates phonological processes.
    Content: She overgeneralizes about a third of all new words & attends to sentence structure when interpreting new words.
    Use: Introduces and changes discussion topics & engages in short dialogs.
    ex for all: "I wan to play da ba" meaning "I want to play with the soccer ball" She is committing the final consonant of some words and overgeneralizing soccer-ball to ball.
  • 30-36 Months Old

    30-36 Months Old
    Form: She suppresses the most common phonological processes by this age. Pronounces about 80% of all words intelligibly.
    Content: She comprehends approximately 900 words Produces approximately 500 words Asks simple questions.
    Use: She clarifies and requests clarification during conversations. ex for all: Summer asks "what are you doing? what does that mean? why does that happen?" this incorporates that she is able to ask and find clarity in conversations.
  • Period: to

    Summer is in Preschool

  • 36-42 months

    36-42 months
    Form: Summer begins to develop shallow phonological awareness abilities and continues to refine articulatory skills.
    Content: She uses pronouns such as they, and them. She continues to use fast mapping to learn new words and uses 1,000–1,500 words Comprehends 1,500–2,000 words.
    Use: She begins to engage in longer dialogues and begins to use primitive narratives begins to make conversational repairs. ex for all (F,C,U)- Summer engages in conversations and uses pronouns when talking to others.
  • 42-48 Months Old

    42-48 Months Old
    Form: Summer has mastered most consonants. She decreases the use of phonological processes. Uses articles, past tense, and contractions consistently. Combines four to seven words in sentences. Also uses irregular third-person verbs. ex- "He has an apple."
    Content: Understand some kinship terms. Overextends new words on the basis of the object function. Uses reflexive pronouns. ex- "The dog cleaned itself."
    Use: Understands indirect requests and constructs true narratives. ex- "Oh it spilled."
  • 48-54 Months Old

    48-54 Months Old
    Form: Uses subordination and coordination in sentences. Uses irregular plural forms consistently. ex- "look at the geese."
    Content: Uses "what do", "what does", "what did" questions. ex- "what did the dog do?"
    Use: Uses indirect requests. ex- "I want that."
  • 54-60 Months Old

    54-60 Months Old
    Form: Knows Letters make up own name. Has some persistent phonological processes. Combines 5-8 words in sentences.
    ex- "I am going to granny's house."
    Content: Uses 1500-2000 words, comprehends 2500-2800 words. Uses deictic terms (this, that, here, there). ex- "There is a puppy here!"
    Use: Uses narrative with a sequence of events but no main character or theme. ex- "There was a pretty flower and I saw a butterfly, then ducks swimming in the pond."