Language Milestones

By abrew23
  • Birth

    Kaili is born. Image by Freepik (
  • Period: to

    Phonology: 0-12 Months

    Birth-2 months: Reflexive Stage - Kaili makes reflexive sounds (sneezing, burping, coughing)
    2 Months: Control of Phonation Stage - Infants begin producing vowel-like and nasalized sounds. Kaili makes cooing and gooing sounds, and also makes "raspberries"
    3-8 Months: Expansion Stage - Infants gain more control of articulators and experiment with pitch. Kaili vocalizes squeals and babbles
    11 Months: Advanced Form Stage - Kaili begins using jargon, using intonation and stress patterns
  • Period: to

    Semantics: 0-12 Months

    Birth: Kaili startles in response to loud sounds. When someone sneezes, Kaili startles at the sound.
    2 months: Explores the world through touch and sensation. Kaili briefly holds and mouths objects
    6 months: Kaili imitates gestures (clapping hands, waving) and understands the word "no"
    12 months: True Word. Kaili produces her first true word "mama"
  • Period: to

    Pragmatics: 0-12 Months

    Birth - 6 months: Attends to social partners and briefly looks at others. Kaili makes eye contact with her mom as she talks to her
    4 months: Holds gaze with others and recognizes her own name
    6 months: Engages in joint attention - parents and infants share attention to an activity together. Kaili enjoys playing peek-a-boo with her parents
  • First Word

    First Word
    Kaili says her first word, "mama."
  • Period: to

    Phonology: 12-36 Months

    12-14 months: Kaili's speech is primarily unintelligible except for a few words. Kaili can say "mama," "dada," "uh-oh," and "bye"
    16 months: 25% of speech is pronounced intelligibly
    24 months: 65% of speech is pronounced intelligibly and she now asks questions with rising intonation
    28 months: 70% of speech pronounced intelligibly; presence of phonological processes (common speech patterns of toddlers). Kaili says "wa-wa" when asking for water
    34 months: Phonological processes suppressed
  • Period: to

    Semantics: 12-36 Months

    16 months: Uses between 3 and 20 words. Kaili's vocabulary is expanding and uses mapping to learn new words.
    20 months: Produces 50 words
    24 months: Comprehends approx. 500 words
    28 months: Overgeneralizes 1/3 of new words. Kaili overextends the word "dog" to all animals she sees.
    34 months: Asks simple questions. "What's that?"
  • Period: to

    Pragmatics: 12-36 Months

    12 months: Intentional communication (gestures). Kaili pulls on Mom or Dad's shirt to get attention
    16 months: Verbal turn-taking. When talking with Grandma, Kaili will answer but doesn't ask questions
    20 months: Uses gesture-word combinations to communicate. Kaili points and says "ball"
    24 months: Imaginative and heuristic functions. Kaili likes to play princess and tell stories.
    28 months: Short dialogues, introduces and changes topics
    34 months: Clarifies, and requests clarification
  • Period: to

    Morphology: 12-36 Months

    18 months: In Brown's Stage I, MLU approx. 1.31
    20 months: Kaili begins using the progressive ending -ing. "Eating," "going," and "sleeping"
    24 months: In Brown's Stage II, MLU approx. 1.93
    28 months: Kaili begins using the plural ending -s. "Doggies," "toys," and "cars"
    30 months: In Brown's Stage III, MLU approx. 2.86
  • Period: to

    Syntax: 12-36 Months

    16 months: Uses negation. Kaili uses the word "no" to reject or protest.
    24 months: Two-word combinations. Kaili says "All done!" when finished doing something
    30 months: Three element sentences. Kaili asks "Where Mommy going?" when she sees her mom get up to leave the room
    36 months: Four element sentences. Kaili says "I want to do it" while helping her mom make cookies
  • Vocabulary Spurt - 50 Word Mark

    Vocabulary Spurt - 50 Word Mark
    Kaili can now produce 50 words.
  • Period: to

    Syntax: 36-60 Months

    36 months - Uses four to five words in sentences.
    40 months - Uses pronouns consistently.
    44 months -
  • Period: to

    Morphology: 36-60 Months

  • Period: to

    Semantics: 36-60 Months

  • Period: to

    Phonology: 36-60 months

    36 months -
    40 months -
    44 months -
    48 months -
    53 months -
    58 months -