Language class

  • The day I was born.

    21 in. long, I weighed 7.14, I was born at 5:43pm
  • My grandpa died

    I was only a couple months old so I didn't know him. And everyone says that he loved me.
  • My sister was born.

    I got to hold her and I loved her.
  • First year of school

    I was little and I remember playing with everyone. I went to lake ship elementary.
  • My mom and dad got married.

    Me and my sister was flowergirls and my brother was a ringboy.
  • First year of middle school.

    I went to oasis my middle school years. I was scared at first because I didn't know no body but now im not.
  • Camp

    I was scared at first because I was never away from my family that long but once I got there I had the best time of my life.