
Language ability since birth

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    Born In Aguada, PR. Lived here until age two.
  • Began Headstart

    Began Headstart
    went to head start at age three in Dover Head Start.
  • First day in Kindergarten

    First day in Kindergarten
    Dover Elementary School, studied from k to 6th grade.
  • Moved to Puerto Rico

    Moved to Puerto Rico
    Studied 9th grade in PR, than went back to NJ upon completing the 9th grade.
  • Dover High School

    Dover High School
    Studied 10 and part of eleventh grade.
  • Moved to Puerto Rico to Complete High School

    Moved to Puerto Rico to Complete High School
    Graduated with honors in 1983
  • College Degree

    College Degree
    Obtained an Associated Degree in Airlines Procedure and Secreterial Science
  • Moved to New Jersey for Job Opportunity

    Moved to New Jersey for Job Opportunity
    After completing my Associates Degree I moved to NJ to find a job. Stayed until 2000.
  • Relocated to Puerto Rico

    Relocated to Puerto Rico
    Moved with the family I had created. Husband and two daughters.
  • Bachelors and Masters Degree

    Bachelors and Masters Degree
    In 2001 I decided to back to College to do a Bachelors in Education. I studied in Universidad Interamericana, once completing I continued to complete my Masters in English as a second Language