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Langston Hughes

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    This timeline starts on February 1, 1902 when James Mercer Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri, second child of Carrie Hughes and James Hughes.
  • Period: to

    Langston Hughes Lifespan

  • Hughes Parents Seperate

    Hughes Parents Seperate
    His parents seperated and Langston Hughes move home repeatedly staying with relatives and friends.
  • Columbia University

    Columbia University
    Langston Enrollls at Columbia University in September study engineering as agreed with his father but becomes involved with writers in Harlem and publishes " The Negro of Rivers". He drops out of Columbia University travels to Africa, Holland, and Pari. In November 1924, Hughes returned to the US to live with his mother in Washington DC.
  • Opportunity Magazine

    Opportunity Magazine
    Hughes wins the Opportunity magazine potery contest for "The Weary Blues"
  • Moved to Washington DC

    Moved to Washington DC
    In November 1924 he moved to Washington DC.
  • The Weary Blue

    The Weary Blue
    The Weary is published by Alfred Knopf and Hughes enrolls in Lincoln University, a HBCU in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
  • Hughes second book

    Hughes second book
    Hughes second book of poems, Fine Clothes on the Jew is published by Alfred Knopf.
  • First Novel

    First Novel
    In 1930 he published his first novel "not without laughter"
  • Death

    Langston Hughes died of cancer complications from prostate cancer in May 22, 1967 in NYC.
  • First Award

    First Award
    The first Langston Hughes Metal was awarded by the City College of NYC.