Langston hughes

Langston hughes

  • Langston's Birth

    Langston's Birth
    This was the day that Langston Hughes was born. He was born in Joplin, Missouri on February 2nd, 1902. His Mother worked several jobs and his father left the family and moved to Cuba. Growing up Langston was raised by his Grandmother.
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    Langston Hughes Life

  • High School

    High School
    He wrote for the school newspaper, edited the yearbook, and began to write short stories, poetry, and dramatic plays in high school. "When Sue Wears Red," was his first jazz poetry and was written during his high school years. "Hughes was influenced by American poets Paul Laurence Dunbar, Carl Sandburg and Walt Whitman." sources
  • Famous Poem

    Famous Poem
    Composed between the years of 17 and 18 this was one of the most powerful poems Langston wrote. Here is a review of the poem With its allusions to deep dusky rivers, the setting sun, sleep, and the soul, "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" is suffused with the image of death and, simultaneously, the idea of deathlessness.
    Click on the link to hear Langston Hughes read this poem.
  • Working

    Hughes worked several odd jobs. He even had the opportunity to work as a crewman aboard the S.S. Malone in 1923, spending six months traveling to West Africa and Europe. He learned a great deal about his misconceptions about African life. Hughes also worked as a busboy.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    Langston Hughes might be most remembered for the harlem renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance grew out of the changes that had taken place in the African American community since the abolition of slavery. The focus was expanding the "negro" middle class in New York City. The voice for the people came in plays, music, and poetry. Here is a video of these events. Click here
  • First Novel

    First Novel
    His first novel 'Not Without Laughter', won the Harmon gold medal for literature.This was a fictional book based on Sandy a boy living in the early part of the twentieth century. The book is based loosely on his life growing up in Lawrence. To read more about the book check out this link.
  • Langston's Death

    Langston's Death
    This was the day Langston passed away. Langston passed away from complications following abdominal surgery. The surgery was needed because he had prostate cancer. "His ashes are interred beneath the foyer floor of the Arthur Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in Harlem."
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