Marbury v. Madison
John Adam's secretary, James Madison failed to deliver documents comissioning William Marbury as Justice of the Peace in the District of Columbia. Thomas Jefferson told James Madison not to deliver the documents to Marbury, after he took office. Marbury sued James madison and tried to get the supreme court to issue a writ of mandamus. Marbury lost the case and the court ruled in favor of Madison -
McCulloch v. Maryland
In this case Maryland attempted to close the baltimore branch of the national bank by passing a law that forced all banks that were created outside of the stae to pay a yearly tax. McCulloch who was a branch employee, refused to pay the tax. Maryland sued McCulloch where he was convicted and fined but he appealed the decision.The suprereme court then ruled in favor of McCullloch. The constitution gives Congress the authority to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper. -
Dred Scott v. Sanford
In 1834, Dred Scott who was a slave was purchased in Missouri and then bought into Illinois which was a free state. He moved back to Missouri. When his owner died, Scott sued the widow, claiming he was no longer a slave because he had become free living in a free state. Dred Scott lost this case. This kept slavery going and prohibited slaves from going to non-slave states. -
Plessy v. Ferguson
In 1892, Homer Plessy, who was one-eighth black, purchased a first-class ticket and sat in the white designated railroad car. Plessy was arrested for violating the Seperate Car Act and argued that this act went against the 13th and 14th amendment. Plessy did not win this case, Justice Brown argued that if the seperation is still equal it does not go agaist the 14th amendment. This case just continued segregation and kept races seperated for years to come. -
Korematsu v. U.S
Fred Korematsu a Japanese immigrant who relocated and claimed to be Mexican-American to avoid being interned into the Japenese internment camps. Korematsu was later arrested and challenged his convinction by saying he was being discriminated against. The decision was 6-3 and Korematsu lost the case. This case had an effect like the other cases, it contuned discrimation. -
Brown v. Board of Education
In the 1950's Linda Brown and her sister had to walk through a dangeruour railroad just to get to school.There was a school nearby her house but was for whites only. Brown's family believed that segregated school system violated the 14th Amendment and took it to court, but because everything was equl it was considered legal. the Brown's won this case and the court decided seperate but equal unconstitutional. This allowed every child no matter what race, to have equal education as everyone else. -
Mapp v. Ohio
There was suspicion that Dollree Mapp was hiding a person suspected off a bomb so they searched her house without a warrant even though she refused. Police found pornographic materials in her home and arrested her. Mapp took her case to the Supreme Court stating that the evidence could not be used in court because there was no warrant. the case was 6 to 3. Dollree Mapp won the case. This case had a positive effect on our world and allowed citizens their privacy. -
Gideo v. Wainwright
In June 1961, a burglary occured at the Bay Harbor Pool Room in Panama City, Florida. Police arrested Gideon after he was found nearby with change in his pockets. Geideon could not afford a lawyer so he requested one but his request was denied and he was sent to jail. Through prison, he handwrote a petition and the Supreme court agreed to hear his case.Geideon won because everyone should recieve a lawyer. This allowed everyone to have the right to an attorney. -
Miranda v. Arizona
Ernesto Miranda was arrested after a crime victim identified him but police did not inform him of his 5th amendment right. He confessed to his crime but his attorney argued that his confession should have been excluded from the trial. Mranda won this case and his conviction was overturned because the evidence was irrelevant. This effected the world by creating miranda rights included in the 5th amendment. Everyone should be read their rights. -
Tinker v. Des Moines
John and Mary Beth Tinker of Des Moines wore black armbands to prtest American involvement in the Vietman War. They refused to remove their armbands and were suspended. Their parents took this tto court and the Tinker family won the case, saying that students should be able to protest as long as its not harmful. This effected our world by allowing children to express their beliefs in school. -
Roe v. Wade
This is one of the biggest cases in history. Jane Roe was an unmarried and pregnant Texas resident. Abortion was illegal in Texas unless it was saving the life of the mother. Roe filed a suit against Wade saying that it violated the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th and 14th amendment. Roe won this case because no man should tell a woman what to do with her body. This effected our world by allowing women to have rights and make their own choices. -
Nj v. TLO
A New Jersey high school student was accused of violating school rules by smoking ciggarettes. The vice principal discovered marijuana . The student argued that the evidence from her purse suppressed saying that the possession of cigarettes was not a violation of school rules. New Jersey won this case because she violated school rules. This effected our world by ensuring that students follow the rules of the school. -
Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
Hazelwood East High School posted a school newspaper. The principal revised it before publication and decided to have certain pages pulled because of the sensitive content and removed them. The students felt that the censorship violated ther 1st Amendment Right. The students won this case because they are entitled to freedom of the press even at school. This effected our world by allowing students to voice their opinion and express themselves. -
Texas v. Johnson
In a political demonstration during the Republican National Convention in Texas, Gregory Lee set an American flag on fire and was charged and convicted with the desecration of a venerated object in violation of the Texas Penal Code. Johnson won this case and argued that he did not harm anyone and he is protected by the 1st amendment. This effected the world because citizens are allowed to practice freedom of speech without being convicted.