Landmark Supreme Court Cases

By 585001
  • Plessy .VS. Ferguson

    Plessy .VS. Ferguson
    Issue:Plessy was arrested for violation of the segerated car act.
    Decision:The Supreme Court ruled that racial segeration was constitutional.
  • Brown .VS. Board of Education

    Brown .VS. Board of Education
    Issue:Linda Brown and family believed that segerated schools violated the 14th Amendment.
    Decision:The Supreme Court ruled that it was against the 14th Amendment also.
  • Mapps .VS. Ohio

    Mapps .VS. Ohio
    Issue:Dollree Mapp was suspected of hiding someone involved in a bombing. The police forcibly and with out a warrant searched her house.
    Decision:The Supreme Court ruled that the police violated the 4th Amendment.
  • Miranda .VS. Arizona

    Miranda .VS. Arizona
    Issue:The police did not inform the criminal of his rights.
    Decision:The court excluded his confession from trial and let him go because of the improper steps taken by the police.
  • Gideon .VS. Wainwright

    Gideon .VS. Wainwright
    Issue:Gideon was taken to court and requested an attourney but couldn't afford one so the judge refused to give him one.
    Decision:Supreme Court ruled that this rejection for a lawyer is against the 6th Amendment.
  • Tinker .VS. Des Moines

    Tinker .VS. Des Moines
    Issue:Two kids wore black bands to school representing a protest. School officials tried to make them take it off but the refused. So the officials suspended them.
    Decision:Supreme Court ruled that they had a right to protest and they didn't have to shed their rights in school no more.
  • New Jersey .VS. T.L.O

    New Jersey .VS. T.L.O
    Issue:A High School girl was searched based on the accusation of possesing cigarettes at school.
    Decision:The Supreme Court ruled that the laws for searching students in school will become more lenient.
  • Texas .VS. Johnson

    Texas .VS. Johnson
    Issue:Charged and convicted with descrecration of a venerated object that violated the Texas Penal Code.
    Decision: Supreme Court determined that his actions were justified by the 1st Amendment.