Landmark Legislations

  • Harvard is Established

    Harvard is Established
    Harvard is established, becoming a high institution where many went when they wanted to get a degree. Many people benefited because this was one of the few institutions for many years. Now it is still one of the most prestigious institutions.
  • Massachusetts Bay School Law

    This law said that a town with at least 50 families was recommended to hire the teacher. This law benefited the young towns, kids of every family, to become knowledgeable. This law also required that a town with more than 1oo families were to hire a teacher to teach children latin grammar. This was intended to have them prepared to go to Harvard University.
  • Ursuline Academy of New Orleans

    The Ursuline Academy of New Orleans was opened. This Catholic Academy was one of the first schools open for young females. It was an all girl school and has now been one of the oldest existing private schools for girls. This was a leading factor to the success in Female education.
  • Dictionary of the English Language was published

    Noah webster was the writer of Compendious Dictionary of the English Language. He wrote three volumes of books based on grammatic, spelling, and reading. He late wrote the English dictionary. This greatly impacts​ the U.S, for many use it as a resource to improve their writing and reading skills.
  • Plessy Vs. Ferguson

    Plessy Vs. Ferguson was a case that dealt with the “separate but equal” law. According to Louisiana, Plessy violated this law when he sat in a white railroad train seat. This case was lost by Plessy because of the “separate but equal” Doctrine.
  • Brown Vs. Board of Education

    Brown Vs. Board of Education
    This court case overruled​ the separate but equal doctrine because of the violation of the 14th Amendment. This court case allowed students from different races to attend schools together.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    This case allowed equality in school funding to Male and female students. This law was intended to have no gender discrimination in any activities. One of the major effects was the equalization of sports regarding gender. Woman have benefited from this ​since they are not discriminated from a lot of sports the way they used to be.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act

    This act allowed students with any disability to receive a proper education disregarding any disability. Before this law, ​many students did not get to experience a proper education system.
  • Castenada Vs. Pickard

    This caused forced school districts to​ pass 3 pronged test involving sound, evaluations, and reflection of practices. This law allowed segregation based on educational purposes, but not by race.
  • Pyler Vs. Doe

    This case happened in 1982 causing disagreements between Pyler a super intendant, and doe student in the schools distract. This law discussed the discrimination that was accruing with illegal immigrants. This case finalized that schools were not an immigration patrol and therefore were not allowed to deny any students the right to attend school.
  • Flores Vs. AZ

    Flores Vs. AZ
    This court case occurred because of the violation of the equal Education Act. It was noticed that many students were not properly learning English and now the state of Arizona was to come up with a plan that allowed a successful​ ELL program.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This law was approved and signed by George W. Bush. The law replaced the Bilingual Education Act of 1968, says that each student must meet testing requirements. The test scores are to reveal the achievement levels. These achievement levels are at the school's responsibility and if certain levels of improvement aren't met, the schools will be penalized