Landmark Legislation

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    This is a case about a man named Homer Plessy. He was told to move to the cart that was for colored and black people. He was arrested and then fought to say they were going against his 14th amendment rights. The supreme court ruled against this and it led to keeping Jim Crow law in place. Pictures presented by: Plessy v. Ferguson – African American Civil Rights Movement. (2017).
  • Brown v. the Board of Education, Topeka

    Brown v. the Board of Education, Topeka
    This case is about a girl name Lisa brown who was denied access to a all-white school when she lived in the district. Her dad sued them for violating their 14th amendment right. This case ruled on Lisa brown side. The court said segregation does not have a place in school. Editors. (2024, February 27). Brown v. Board of Education.; A&E Television Networks.