Landmark Legislation

  • Old Deluder Satan Act of 1647

    This law was passed to explain what public education is and why we need it. It was enacted by the early American colonists. This law required that towns of 50 or more families had to provide an elementary school and schools with 100 or more families had to provide a grammar school as well. The was to be studied because the puritans believed that if children read and studied the bible then they avoid sinning.
  • Distance learning

    Distance learning
    Distance learning was first introduced in the early 1700s where kids would receive pamphlets from schools through the postal service. Today that has evolved to online school and classes.
  • Age segregation

    Age segregation was first introduced in the mid-1800s where children were put into different groups based off of their age group. Link text
  • Standardized Testing

    Standardized Testing
    Standardized testing has been around since the mid-1800s. These are formal assessments that are used to understand what a student knows. Link text
  • Recess

    Recess was first introduced in schools in 1884. It is seen as a way for children not to get overwhelmed with learning. Link text
  • School buses

    School buses were first introduced in 1886 as horse-drawn carriages and evolved into the yellow school bus we have today in the mid-1970s. Link text
  • Plessy v.Ferguson

    This case is about Homer Adolph Plessy and John Howard Ferguson. It originated from a racial confrontation in 1982. Plessy was 12.5% African American and he refused to leave a train car for whites. He was then fined and lived out the rest of his days a convicted criminal. Ferguson was the judge that convicted him.
  • School sports

    School sports
    Competitive sports within schools were introduced in 1903 as a way to engage healthy body and mind. [Link text](
  • Smith-Hughes Act

    Smith-Hughes Act
    The purpose of this act was to provide students with vocational studies as to improve their employment opportunities. This case involved Senator Hoke Smith and Representative Dudley Hughes. This act promoted vocational studies and developed a plan for funding. It was successful in funding over 200,000 students with 3 million dollars annually.
  • Grammar

    Grammar was introduced into schools after the Education Act of 1944. It was used as a standard for education by make the oppurtunities equal. Link text
  • eBooks

    The eBook was first created in 1949 and has made its way into classrooms over the last several years. It is seen as more practical and earth friendly. Link text
  • Computers

    Computers were starting to be introduced in classrooms in the late 1950. Computers have improved time spent, energy, financial management, and learning capabilities within schools. Link text
  • Brown v. the Board of Education, Topeka

    This was a case about the segregation of white and black students in public schools. This case was helped in the desegregation of public schools throughout America. The verdict was that segregation of public schools was a violation against the US constitution. This case reversed Plessy v. Ferguson. This case was between Oliver Brown and the Board of Education in Topeka, Kansas.
  • Title IX

    This was a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex-based discrimination across government funded schools. It was written by Patsy Mink, Birch Bayh and Edith Green. It was renamed Patsy T. Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act after Mink's death in 2002. The final outcome of the law entails punishment upon anyone who discriminates someone based on sex.
  • Milliken v. Bradley

    This case was a major step toward desegregation after the Brown v. Board decision. However, the case was dismissed due to being “wholly impermissible” and showing no evidence of violations. This involved William G. Milliken and Ronald Bradley and Richard Bradley. This case was brought on by a class action suit filed by the parents of students in the Detroit, Michigan school system.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act

    This act lied out a requirement for government funded schools to have equal educational opportunities and one free meal a day to disabled students. This law is also known by EAHCA, EHA, or Public Law 94-142. This act was introduced by Harrison Arlington Williams. It had a positive effect on all disabled families across the United States.
  • Plyler v. Doe

    This case was between James Plyler and John Doe. It was a case where the denial of funding for education to undocumented immigrant children was shot down. An attempt to charge an annual $1,000 tuition fee for each student for lost state funding was shot down as well. The Court found that this imposed on the rights of immigrant children and thoroughly examined for government interest.
  • Calculators

    Calculators were first used in a state-mandated test in 1986 because educators saw calculators as a way for students to solve more complex problems. Link text