Landmark Legislation

By eileen7
  • General Court of the Massachusetts

    General Court of the Massachusetts
    In 1647, the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony declared two statements. Each town of fifty families must have an elementary school. Latin schools would be for towns of 100 families. Their goal was to ensure that Puritan children would learn how to read the Bible. They also wanted them to receive basic information about their Calvinist religion.
  • Jefferson Proposal

    Jefferson Proposal
    In 1779, Jefferson proposed a bill called “ general diffusion of knowledge.” Jefferson had a plan in which he envisioned public support for secondary schools as well as scholarships. The support and scholarships were for only the best/ brightest students. Those students would attend the College of William and Mary. Although the foundation of his system was basic education for a mass of the population.
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    It was such a landmark decision in 1896. The importance of Plessy v Ferguson is the establishment it had with racial segregation. It was known as “separate but equal.” The impact it had with education was that it provided enough funds to educate all white children unlike for the african-american children it only provided half funds.
  • Brown v the Board of Education

    Brown v the Board of Education
    Brown v. the Board of Education was a supreme court case in 1954. It was known as a major civil rights victory in history. It was based on the racial segregations of children in public schools. The significance it had was that african-americans had an equal opportunity in education as whites did.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    ”Little Rock Nine” were known as the nine african-american students who attended Little Rock Central High School in 1957. The accomplishment they had was attending a desegregated school and challenging the white students. Although a group of white people would shout, give them threats and throw objects because they were furious with schools not being segregated anymore. The little rock nine fought a part for equal opportunities in the “american education.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    In June 23, 1972, Title IX was passed by the congress. In which avoids sex discrimination in education programs. Also it protects people from any discrimination based on their sex. It only protects any education programs or activities that receives federal financial assistance.
  • Milliken v Bradley

    Milliken v Bradley
    Milliken v Bradley was a supreme court case. This case dealt with desegregating the busing of public schools. A very known quote that was said during the process of the Milliken V Bradley was "No hope of achieving actual desegregation." Also the contemporary US school system was affected by Milliken v Bradley. One in five students would attend schools which would be racially isolated.
  • Handicapped Children Act

    Handicapped Children Act
    This act was enacted in 1975 which required all public schools to accept federal funds. These federal funds would provide the equality access to one free meal and education for the children with any physical or mentally disabilities. As well as it guaranteed free public education. Lastly the main goal is to ensure that special education services are available to those children that need it.
  • Pyler v. Doe

    Pyler v. Doe
    A landmark in which states can’t deny students free public education. Even for people who have a immigration status. The importance of Plyler v Doe is that it ensures any immigrant future in society. Also the school districts were unable to accommodate any illegal immigrant in which they must have provided funds for a private education.
  • Proposition 187

    Proposition 187
    Proposition 187 is also known as SOS. (Save Our State) It was proposition to establish a state-run citizenship. Also it prohibited for any undocumented immigrant the use of non-emergency health care or public education etc. The proposition 187 was 10 element keys . The proposition faced so many challenges and even several lawsuits.