Plessy vs Ferguson
Homer Plessy refused to sit in a Jim Crow car. He went to court because he was kicked of the train for refusing to move, and said it broke the 13th and 14th amendment. Judge Ferguson and a 7-1 vote decided that it was not unconstitutional. -
Pierce vs Society of Sisters
Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to require students to attend public schools. Parents should have control of how their children are educated, whether it be in a private, religious school or in a public school. -
Brown vs The Board of Education, Topeka
At this time, the Supreme Court repealed teh court decision for the Plessy cs Ferguson case, The Supreme Court decided that it was in fact a violation of the 14th amendment. The argument was also made, that if schools were not allowed to be segregated then neither should public places. -
Engle v. Vitale
The Supreme Court decided that it was unconstitutional for schools to require public schools to recite a prayer in the classroom. This affected many students because they can now choose whether or not they want to recite the prayer, which is good if it does not follow their religion if they have one at all. -
Vocational Education Act
Congress required states to try and not discriminate by their gender and not follow stereotypes in vocational education. -
Title IV
Prohibits discrimination of race, color, or national origin against students of schools accepting federal assistance. -
Serrano v Priest
California Supreme Court determined that the formula for distributing funds for schools was unconstitutional. This was decided because students in low income districts weren't getting the same kind of funding as others. -
Guadalupe Organization v Tempe Elementary School District
A dispute brought to court in Tempe because Yaquii Indian and Mexican American children were being put into special education classes because they did not do well on an English IQ test. They did not do well because English was not their first language, so they were able to retake the test in a language that they understood. -
Education of All Handicapped Children Act
An Act that was enacted by the United States Congress. It was started up to give all children a proper education, even students with disabilities. -
Plyler vs Doe
The Supreme Court decided that children of undocumented immigrants were human and deserve certain right give to them by the 14th amendment such as education. This was decided because of a state statute that wanted to deny free education to students whos parents were undocumented and wanted to charge them to educate them.