Land transportation

  • 1900 BCE


    The earliest recorded sort of carriage was the chariot, reaching Mesopotamia as early as 1900 BC. Used typically for warfare by Egyptians, the Near Easterners and Europeans, it was essentially a two-wheeled light basin carrying one or two passengers, drawn by one to two horses.
  • 1886 BCE


    On January 29, 1886, Carl Benz applied for a patent for his “vehicle powered by a gas engine.The patent – number 37435 – may be regarded as the birth certificate of the automobile.
  • Horse

    The earliest known horses evolved 55 million years ago and for much of this time, multiple horse species lived at the same time, often side by side, as seen in this diorama.
  • When horses evolved

    When horses evolved
    Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Equus—the genus to which all modern equines, including horses, asses, and zebras, belong—evolved from Pliohippus some 4 million to 4.5 million years ago during the Pliocene.
  • The car upgrade

    The car upgrade
    While some of the very first cars were powered by steam engines, dating back to the 1700s, it was Karl Benz in 1885 who invented the first gas-powered car, which he later received a patent for in 1886. ... Four-wheeled gas-powered cars were later introduced in 1891.
  • Railroads

    The first railroad charter in North America was granted to Stevens in 1815. Grants to others followed, and work soon began on the first operational railroads. Surveying, mapping, and construction started on the Baltimore and Ohio in 1830, and fourteen miles of track were opened before the year ended.
  • Railroads upgrade

    Railroads upgrade
    Beginning in the early 1870s, railroad construction in the United States increased dramatically. Prior to 1871, approximately 45,000 miles of track had been laid. Between 1871 and 1900, another 170,000 miles were added to the nation's growing railroad system.
  • The evaluation of the buggy

    The evaluation of the buggy
    They can use them for military, and for other ways to get where they need to be