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  • 3000 BCE

    The first horse carriage

    The first horse carriage
    His riders rode in relays along caravan trade routes, each covering some 150 miles. Among the first horse-drawn vehicles was the chariot, invented by the Mesopotamians in about 3000 B.C. It was a two-wheeled cart used at first in royal funeral processions.
  • The first buggy

    The first buggy
    The stroller was first invented way back in 1733 by William Kent, who was an architect and the designer of the Royal Garden. He developed it for the Duke of Devonshire's children, and it was commonly referred to as a pram, baby carriage, or perambulator
  • The first railroad

    The first railroad
    On February 28, 1827, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad became the first U.S. railway chartered for commercial transport of passengers and freight
  • The first van

    The first van
    The earliest records of a van as a vehicle in English are in the mid 19th century meaning a covered wagon for transporting goods; the earliest reported record of such was in 1829.
  • The first bus

    The first bus
    In 1830 Sir Goldworthy Gurney of Great Britain designed a large stagecoach driven by a steam engine that may have been the first motor-driven bus
  • The first car

    The first car
    The first stationary gasoline engine developed by Carl Benz was a one-cylinder two-stroke unit which ran for the first time on New Year’s Eve 1879. Benz had so much commercial success with this engine that he was able to devote more time to his dream of creating a lightweight car powered by a gasoline engine.
  • The first motorcycle

    The first motorcycle
    30, 1885: Daimler Gives World First 'True' Motorcycle. The German auto pioneer adds an internal combustion engine to a bicycle frame to make the first gasoline-driven hog. 1885: Gottlieb Daimler patents what is generally considered to be the first true motorcycle
  • Semi truck

    Semi truck
    Cleveland horseless carriage maker Alexander Winton is widely credited with inventing the semi-truck in 1898, and sold his first manufactured semi-truck in 1899.Jun.