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Land Transportation

  • 3500 BCE

    First Wheel Inveted

    First Wheel Inveted
    In 3500 B.C the first wheel was invented
  • 2000 BCE

    Donkeys, Camels, Horses Domesticated

    Donkeys, Camels, Horses Domesticated
    These animals were all domesticated from 3000 to 2000 B.C
  • 770

    Iron Horseshoe Invented

    Iron Horseshoe Invented
    In 770 the Iron Horseshoe was invented to help horses hooves
  • First Public Bus

    First Public Bus
    On March 25th, 1662 Blaise Pascal invented the first public bus
  • First Locomotive

    First Locomotive
    The first locomotive was invented in 1801, it was named the Puffing Devil
  • Internal Combustion Engine

    Internal Combustion Engine
    In 1858 Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir invented the internal combustion engin,it was the first gas powered engine
  • First motorcycle invented

    First motorcycle invented
    In 1867, the first motorcycle was invented by Gottlieb Daimler
  • Automobile Assembly Line Imoroved

    Automobile Assembly Line Imoroved
    In 1908, the automobile assembly line was improved by Henry Ford
  • Drunk Driving

    Drunk Driving
    In 1910, a law was made making it illegal to drive under the influence
  • Three Leading Automobile companies

    Three Leading Automobile companies
    In the 1920s, General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford were the three leading automobile companies