
  • Dred Scott v. Stanford

    On this day congress ruled that slaves brought to the US and there decendents did not have any constitutional rights
  • Lincoln Assasination

    Lincoln Assasination
    On this dy John Wilkes Booth made a succesful assasination attempt on President Linoln at Fords Theater in Washington DC. This was just days after the surrender of the south.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    The social security act was a part of FDRs plan to help get the country out of the great depression. It gave money to the unemployed and the retired.
  • McCarthy Hearings

    McCarthy was trying to root out communists in the US army but later the army sued McCarthy
  • Brown v. Board

    On this day the supreme court issued that segregation of students in public schools violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, because separate facilities are inherently unequal
  • Gideon v. Wainwright

    In this Supreme court ruling every one has the right to an attorny and can have an attorny if they can not afford one
  • Watergate Affair

    Watergate Affair
    On this day five men were arrested for breaking into the the room of the Democratic National Commitie headquarters. This incident was later connected to President Nixon causing him to resign from presidency.
  • "Tear Down this Wall"

    "Tear Down this Wall"
    This day President Reagen made a speech telling Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the berlin wall. A few months later the wall officially came down signifying the end of the russian communism.
  • Clinton Impeachment

    Clinton Impeachment
    Clinton was impeached on this date due to the Monica Lweinsky scandal and the Paula Jones scandal. Clinton was aquited for his crimes a year later.
  • 9/11/01

    On this day a terrorist act carried out by a Islamic militist group. they hijacked 4 commercial airliners and crashed them into the twin towers in new york, the pentagon in washington DC, and another that was supposivly headed to the white house crashed in pennsylvania