Lacie White Timeline

  • My nephew was born

    My sister and her boyfriend at the time had there first child, my nephew.
  • My niece was born

    My sister and her boyfriend at the time had there second child.
  • Graduation

    I graduated from high school, this was a very big accomplishment for me.
  • I started college

    I was the first in my family to go to college and that is something the is a very big accomplishment for me.
  • Switched my major

    When I first started college I wanted to be a pediatrician, and then I realized it wasn’t for me and changed my major to education and then I changed my concentration later on after that, and now I feel like I’m on the right track.
  • I got into the education program

    I got into the education program and am on my way to my career
  • Enrollment into EDRE2204

    I hope to learn everything I need to learn about being a good teacher.