Knights of Labor Founded
The Knights of Labor is important because they wanted workers to be organized into one big brotherhood, rather then having seperate unions. -
The first nationwide strike
Stops trains across the country. About 100,000 railroad workers are involved. Federal troops are called out to break the strike.It relates to liberty because their rights were tooken. -
Haymarket Square Riot
a labor protest rally near Chicago’s Haymarket Square turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at police. At least eight people died as a result of the violence that day. People were getting frustated and started to take there anger on innocent people. -
Samuel Gompers founds the American Federation of Labor (AFL
Samuel Gompers was the first and longest-serving president of the American Federation of Labor (AFL); it is to him, as much as to anyone else, that the American labor movement owes its structure and characteristic strategies. Under his leadership, the AFL became the largest and most influential labor federation in the wo -
Violence ends the Homestead steel strike in Homestead, Pennsylvania.Read more
Homestead strike, in U.S. history, a bitterly fought labor dispute. On June 29, 1892, workers belonging to the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers struck the Carnegie Steel Company at Homestead, Pa. to protest a proposed wage cut. It realates to liberty because the state should have enough liberty to pay them good. -
Battle of Cripple Creek
Many people started to flood in from around the country, looking for jobs, desperately. Soon Cripple Creek had a huge surplus of labor. In January, people thought the working day would increase eight to nine and ten, still with no increase of pay. Miners went on strike and set up rivot pickets and closed down mines. Eventually, the strike was broke and the cripple creek was over. -
Strike by Puilman railroad workers halted by courts
The Pullman Strike was a disturbing event in Illinois history. It occurred because of the way George Mortimer Pullman, founder and president of the Pullman Palace Car Company, treated his workers. Organized in 1867, the company manufactured sleeping cars and operated them under contract to the railroads. -
Strike by ILGWU wins pay gains, shorter workdays
The union was founded by 11 representatives, in which sought to improve working conditions for people across the nation. It was dangerous to work, and the pay was petty, so they had formed many strikes. -
International Workers of the World
Radical union, is formed with the aim of overthrowing capitalism and replacing it with a socialist system. It realates to happenies where the workers will be happyand gepaid what they are suppose to. -
Fire in Triangle Shirtwaist Company
A fire within the Triangle Waist Company factory in New York City killed 146 workers. This emphasized to the public how dangerous working conditions were, they didnt have any trainment to how to act if this happend. -
Us established Department of Labor
Protect the rights of workers.It realtaes to liberty because everybody needs to be treated equal -
Norris-La Guardia Act
This act outlawed yellow-dog contracts. This act was important because it was one of the first federal labor laws supporting organized labor and it marked a significant victory in labor reform -
Wagner Act
This bill was signed by President Roosevelt. It made the federal government the arbiter of employer-employee relations through the creation of the national labor relations board. This act recognized for the first time the right of workers to organize and bargain collectively with their employers -
Fair Labor Standards Act
The act outlawed the overworking of workers, setting a maximum hours to be worked until overtime. It also set a minimum wage and outlawed child labor. It was important to revolutionizing the unfair treatment to the working class. -
AFL and CIO merge to create AFL-CIO
The AFL and CIO were labor movement groups, each with a different approach toward the same goal. It's still important today because it stresses the rights of workers -