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Labor Movement

By TQmats
  • Collective Bargaining

    first used in 1891, to make it that employers and a group of workers and nagotiate terms of working conditions
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
    fire in a garment factory resulted in the deaths on 146 young women
  • WWI

    lasted 1914-1918, resulting in high death tolls from trench warfare.
  • Ludlow Massacre

    Ludlow Massacre
    in southern colorado, a massive caol miners strike was going on when a fire started in a large tent ending up in killing 19-24 people
  • Clayton Act

    was added to anittrust laws to prevent antipompetitive practices
  • Adamson Act

    Adamson made it so workers only had n eight hour work day
  • IWW

    could support 300,000 workers in its peak in 1923
  • Samuel Gompers

    Samuel Gompers
    Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor, and died 1924
  • Eugene V. Debs

    Eugene V. Debs
    Very known Socialist in the USA, was none for being in the socialist party of america, and running for President

    at one time the largest union group in the USA, they tried to make fair wages between women
  • Mother Jones

    American labor and community organizer
  • Yellow-dog contract

    oath that a worker is not apart of a labor union
  • Davis-Bacon Act

    Davis-Bacon Act
    made it so the requirement for paying the local wages of workers
  • Norris–La Guardia Act

    Norris–La Guardia Act
    banned yellow-dog contracts
  • Open Shop

    made it so that employers didnt have to only hire workers from a union
  • Department Of Labor

    Department Of Labor
    occupational safety, wage and hour standards, unemployment insurance benefits, re-employment services, and some economic statistics
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    when american stocks were way down, and everyfelt its impact on the US population
  • CIO

    helped union workers establish rights
  • National Labor Relations Act

    National Labor Relations Act
    United States federal law that protects the rights of employees in the private sector
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    made it so there was a national minimum wage, and oppressed child labor
  • Emma Goldman

    Emma Goldman
    died, worte many anarchist books, didnt like big corperations rulling over everyone
  • Closed Shop

    made it so that corporations only hired union workers only
  • Contracts

    contracts were used to legally have a deal with corporations and its workers